
July 15th, 2024

These are my own experience with living under a lot of stress due to my political work.

I have a lot of enemies. Some covert, some open. The current foreign minister is an enemy and I have entertained you with my experience with the PET, the secret service.

First of all. It is a choice, if you enter into politics, it’s just a premis of your work. Especially in the higher layers of politics. Putin lives with a constant death sentence hanging over him. So does the PM of Israel, Trump and many more.

Essentially I have learned to live with it. It is the price of doing politics on the highest level.

Secondly, I am REALISTIC about the world around me. The PET are not friends, they never will be. But they can be made into some kind of partners, sometimes.

Thirdly, politics is like a sea, it ebbs and flows. Sometimes you are riding high, sometimes you are low. That is just the nature of politics. So when you are riding high, you make a lot of friends, help all you can. So when there is a low, your friends come to your aid.

Then there is another high, and so on.

Fourthly, to be on the highest level, you HAVE to be paranoid, yet at the same time REALISTIC. You may have an idea, that someone is hunting you, make sure to check it out. It has to be verified, somehow

Fifthly, when people hunt you, don’t be all angry and revengeful. More often than not, that is exactly the reaction your enemy is looking for. They want to control you, by controlling your anger.

Sixthly, stock your weapons. In the beginning I could always blog on issues that I were afraid of, influence the world opinion and so on. The problem with that is, that you are seen as a troublemaker. I still call out my enemies sometimes, but I have a host of weapons, that I apply according to the threat. Mostly, when an enemy get a slap over the wrist, they stop and I can get on with my life.

Seventhly, keep up keeping up. Don’t let the political fight get you down. Keep your good vibe, be happy, supportive, a good friend. If you loose your good humor, it’s not worth it. I really like Saranskys way, he got up every morning and sang to his hearts content.

Eightly, keep your goals positive. Don’t get caught up in the machinations of power. Steer towards something that will make the world a better place.

Ninthly, build alliances. I thought the MOSSAD would have protected me, when the PET were really after me. They didn’t, but the EU did, and the communists. If I hadn’t been positive and helpful to either, I would have been dead by now. But because I supported them both, they helped back, when I needed it.

The saying goes, that you should build your house on stone ground and not on sand. Stoneground is the relations you have. If they are good, you will prevail, if they bad you will be blown away by the first of storms, and the storm always come.

Tenthly, be clear with yourself why you are into politics. If your reasons are not right, do something else. I do it, not because of honor, honor is a fleeting thing. Not because of money, somehow money eludes me. I do it, because I love to do it. It’s what I really like to do. The challenge in figuring the best solution, the ability to use my knowledge, the joy in seeing a plan come to fruition and work, the joy in working with some of the best politicians in the world, and the ethical mission, making a better world.

So, these are my experiences.

G-d bless the will to work in politics and make a better world.

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