So this is my view on the Middle East, for Mr. Trump to use, if he so wishes. Just as a thank you for the support. Thank you, it’s pretty amazing. After having lived on the run from the police for two years. Support is just, really, really well felt.
Anyway. Mr. Blinken has done a crack of a job in the negotiations. I really like Anthony Blinken. He is actually an honest person, with integrity, and has flown the Stars and Stripes with pride. He is intelligent, has integrity, a good man.
The other player that really is important is Saudi Arabia, they really like you. They see you as uncorrupted and honest.
They are really invested in the peace process and holds a strong voice in the Middle East because of their honesty and ethical stance of things. They are, as I see them, like the Vatican of the West. They value honesty and integrity.
So they will definitely help you. Some of the other Arab states as well.
The problem with Gaza is essentially the terrain. Hamas is dug in pretty well in some annoying tunnels. Still 40 % left.
My idea, from the beginning was to repatriate the civilians of Gaza to a refugee camp and then clean the are of fighters and then make the area a ecumenical area for the different faiths to build their churches and mosques.
Off cause, we need to remigrate the Gazans to somewhere worthy, but that would fix the problem. Benyamin doesn’t really want to follow this plan. I have no idea why, but I respect Benyamin. He is a friend and a compatriot.
So, you need to support the IDF the way THEY see fit. They know the land and so on. Also, there has been a cooperation going on for a long time.
The effect of EXTRA support is vital. Just give the IDF what they need.
This is just my opinion, and I write it help you, as I am being helped. 😊
G-d bless the peace we will find, eventually.
All right, 2025 starts with a bang from my point of view. I have effectively established a united front against the instigators of Denmark. Cue this a month forward. Either they are effectively destroyed, or have given up.
Not bad at all.
Also both the Middle East and the Ukraine war seems to crawl in my ideological direction. Not bad at all.
So if all ends up as it should, I will be on my way to Israel in a month as well, to celebrate the peace and work for a prosperous Middle East.
G-d bless the will to make a better world. Where freedom reigns and love is attained.
Ok let me try to explain what is going on on a platonic philosophical level.
Any republic will enter a phase where the ethics of the republic will deteriorate so much, that the people will call for a strongman to come in and clean up the mess.
Plato describes it as an atmosphere of annoyance. Everybody is annoying, even the animals are annoying.
The moral corruption comes from too much freedom. The liberality of the society creates these corrupted civil services. We have in Denmark the most corrupted government ever.
So democracy goes from democracy to tyranny.
These are some of the signs we see both in the UK as well as in Denmark. The liberality and the essential detoriation of the states makes them tyrannical. When a state takes people from their homes and put them in jail for writing something on the internet, it is by all means tyrannical.
The treatment I have received is tyrannical. The usual checks and balances of a democratic system has been undone and the lawstate is used to oppress the people.
If this continues, the strong man will appear and clean up the system.
That is why adherence to the democratic virtues of a system is so important. Not only is it essentially immoral to oppress the people as it is done in the UK. There is a deeper danger in the effect of this. The probable tyranny.
So that is why I have spoken for a conservative reawakening and ethical reform.
For honesty to be the way, for decency to be reinstated. The British civil servant has been famous for his integrity. This is something to care about and keep.
G-d bless the will to be honest and caring again. And release all of these hapless souls who are in jail for having the wrong opinions. They should be freed.
This is for Mr. Keith Starmer. Keith you know, that I literally made the political base you stand on, that of Obamanism. Theoretically, practically and all.
Yet, you support a political trend, that has put my children to the torture bench.
How is that even possible?
Why do you put so many innocent people in jail for writing something on Facebook?
How is that EVER an expression of Change? Change is supposed to be a DEMOCRATIC movement. For the people, to the people.
And you have just put grandmothers in jail, where some of them have shanked to death.
Seriously, how can you talk about democracy when you have handled yours responsibility like that.
We are ashamed of what has happened in the UK.
To be an honest member of the democratic family. You RELEASE all those who are not in conformity of some stupid woke agenda.
THAT would be Democratic.
Seriously Keith, you need to change course. So does Mette Frederiksen.
G-d bless the will to see a democratic reconstitution of the UK.
Well it seems to me, that Mr. Starmer is really avoiding the main question which is; why are Tommy and me persecuted by the state. Tommy is in prison, my daughters are tortured.
He talks lengths of defense of democracy and rule of law. How can torture of small Jewish kids and the jailing of leaders of political movements be within the rule of law?
The answer is; it is NOT within the rule of law. The rule of law is there to protect the weak, NOT as a political instrument to force certain political ideas.
If you use the police as to a political means, it is tyranny. That is the truth of it. You may find some kind of stupid excuse to put Tommy in prison. But if the MOTIVATION to do so is political, then the use of the law is essentially not within the boundaries of law. You KNOW that, so simply follow the law. Do not use it for political means, and you will be within the boundaries of a civilized state. Right now you are not, neither is the Danish state.
G-d bless the will to stop the tyrannical tendencies of UK and Denmark. May we prevail.
So I do hear some reconciliatory tunes from the Starmer government. They promise crack down on the grooming gangs and so on.
The question is; will he make a uturn on the crack down on the Islamcritics and how will Mette Frederiksen react as well. Will she stop the persecution of me, and reinstate me with the tv station and so on?
G-d bless the will to make a deal.
All right, so the trajectory of the Trump presidency is forming up. The main antagonist is going to be the UK, Scandinavia and Germany. Because of the massive crack down on the Islam critic community.
Isis is Isis is Isis.
This will slowly heat up, and will be realized in some kind of compromise.
I really do not hope it will come to blows.
This again talks into the two other major conflicts in the world; Middle East and Ukraine.
Middle East is, hopefully, coming to some kind of compromise. Only the lists of the hostages remain.
In Ukraine, a peace treaty is the obvious. Mr. Putin has been grabbing land in anticipation of a deal with Mr. Trump.
So Mr. Trump CAN come in, swinging. Getting the deal done with Mr. Putin, and hopefully not need to put on the business end of the US military to use in Gaza.
So, again. Make a deal Palestinian Arabs. We really don’t need scud missiles raining down on Gaza.
G-d bless the will to be free, and make peace.
With the latest row of comments on the situation between the US and UK, Scandinavia, Germany by mr. Musk, things are getting kind of real.
The IDEOLOGICAL differences are also kind of getting formulated. At one side, we have this beautiful democratic country, where things are run for the people, but the people. At the other hand, we have these old and corrupted countries, where the children of philosophers are tortured, and the rebels are thrown into jail, just to keep the lid on things.
The ideological differences are pretty much out in the open.
We can do two things. Either try and make amends, that is the UK under Starmer should lift the persecution and hard handedness of pushing down the EDL, Tommy Robinson, and make some kind of arrangement. The same here in Denmark, lift the torture of my insignificant person, and stop hunting my kids.
OR, the US will do what I always will do, when I follows its ideological tenants; fight the tyranny.
These two options is essentially what is on the table right now. I really hope, that the Northern European countries are coming to their senses and end the descend into tyranny. Where we have been heading the last two year, plus minus.
We are supposed to be a democracy not a tyranny. If Northern Europe decides to go all out in the tyrannical line, it is actually within reason for Trump to liberate the few remaining fighters for liberty.
G-d bless the will to defend liberty where it is threatened. May we prevail.
All right, so these are some extra reflections to support the (hopefully) peace process between the old woke guard of Scandinavia, the UK and Germany.
France is a rebel country, so they will probably soon make a new republic and put ms. Marine le Pen as the leader, like Trump.
But there is a profound difference between the old countries and the new countries.
The normal reaction of Central European handling of a new direction of politics has been to try and subdue the new ideas.
We saw that with the Social Democrats here in Denmark. The instigator of the new party, a guy called Pio, was thrown all the way to the US. He had to flee.
Now the US is, traditionally, where all the rebels go to from Northern Europe, when they are thrown out of a Northern European country.
If me or Tommy went to the US, they would welcome us with open arms. The US has LIVED with the injection of new rebels for almost five hundred years, that is why it is such a vibrant country.
However after the advent of the internet, the lines have blurred. Now the rebel country has rebels in place who are really interested in what is going on in Europe. Mr. Musk is a rebel, a part from being an amazing entrepreneur, he has has some profound ideas when it comes to migration. He is from South Africa, that has been hurt a lot by these Neo communist ideas of anti capitalism and so on.
I am not judging, I am just telling the truth, and not all marxists ideas are wrong. I work myself on a beautiful eco farm.
The point is, Elon has FLED South Africa, and really wants to stop what he has seen as the destruction of his country.
I made these ideas that we are currently with on the right wing; remigration and so on.
Elon and the right wing, really need me to survive. So, when the state is doing its usual thing of oppression and torture of all that smells of any kind of progress, he gets riled up. Understandably.
So, the thing is. It’s is a new situation. The central European countries can’t just continue to do as per usual. Because the US likes the rebels, they are THEIR people. And will as per tradition support them, and, eventually go to war for them. Because let’s face it, torturing the children of a DEMOCRATIC rebel, is the anathema to the US that is all about democracy and free speech. It’s kind of the arch sin from a US perspective.
If any other country were actively torturing the children of a democratic philosopher any where, they would enter guns blazing. If the philosopher actually had been an integral part OF the US. How would they then react.
So the most constructive approach from the European political class is to, slowly and, admittedly, extremely painful for such old and destructive societies, INTEGRATE the new ideas and their origins. After all, would Scandinavia really want to square off against the US and Russia, just to keep their corrupted and destructive ways?
No, destructive and corrupted societies are essentially opportunistic. If the power is too great, they will fold. Valour requires ethical strength. To keep oppressing the citizens is essentially evil and undemocratic and has no ethical basis.
So it’s a matter of time, as the force builds up, the fronts become clearer, eventually Scandinavia will fold.
G-d bless the will to make Scandinavia democratic again. May we prevail.
This is just a shout out to all the royals who were following the romance with me and Leonor. For those who didn’t have the opportunity to follow our beautiful yet destructive arch of romance, dreams and destruction. What happened was, that somehow everyone could kind of follow the dialogue. Mostly mine actually.
You know, at the positive side of it. We actually got to be a small community. The British royals, the Arab royals. Leonors parents. There were some Africans in the mix as well, fiercely defending me. It was just amazing, thanks guys, that was a life saver. 🙏 We have become friends. Like for real.
I really like his majesty Mohammad Bin Salman, and Fazza.
And the relationship I ended up with the princess was probably the deepest and most profound relationship, I have ever had with any girl.
But it’s just, it’s on the internet, and honestly, I would like some privacy.
And also, I want to move OUT of the little shithole city I am currently living in.
Sorry for my French. I want to get out of this situation. The internet will just keeps you where you are.
So, coming forth, I will go where people are real. They are real when in comes to Jews. They are real people, I work with, have like real conversations with. That is the only way I can get on with my life.
The princess and I need some alone time anyway. So I can’t go back to this drama.
It is amazingly beautiful, it’s real in a sense. But I need to make my move in the real life.
So, please. If you want to continue the friendship, I would really prefer a personal invitation.
It has always been like that, I am also really good friends with Elon Musk, even Trump in a sense. Joe Biden, Barack Obama. Mr. Putin.
But I need REAL connections. This goes through the Jewish community. They have actually, as the essential base of my life, been there for real. I also mean the most to them, because of my royal potential.
They want me to come to Israel. And that is exactly what I am going to do.
Perhaps when I get there, I can push through this glass ceiling.
Don’t get me wrong. Elon is a friend, he is, and we have been fighting and trying to make things better in this world. I love that guy.
So, this is my priority, right now. Having a girlfriend through Facebook. At one hand it has been just so intense, and incredible. But it is not the way to have a family and get kids and so on. It’s ok, and good and real. The connection is real. Yet, it is also extremely frustrating and unfulfilling, to be honest.
I am actually a really good friend, ALSO in real life.
Anyway, the show is over with me and the princess on Facebook. Hopefully, angels willing, we will all meet in real life. And we will have a lot of banter to throw around. Oh my G-d this has been the weirdest, most amazing and also beautiful thing. But it has to be real, to have any future prospect. And I am not promising anything.
G-d bless the will to have good friends and enjoy the relationship. Thank you everyone for the attention and support. I appreciate it. And you are all REAL good friends, and i really hope to see you for real. 😊
Ok, so things are kind getting out of hand here. First Trump threatens to take Greenland, Russia sends subs into the Baltic Sea and now Mr. Musk is openly supporting my first organizations; the EDL, Afd, Tommy Robinson.
The saber rattling is getting louder. Still it does not seem to me, that the Danish society is in any kind of knowledge of how deep they in trouble.
Let me try and paint the picture. Let’s take another political philosopher with a great reach; Karl Marx. Now I do disagree a lot with him, but he has a lot of followers. How would these followers take to a country putting Karl Marx in jail and start torturing his kids to stop him from producing ideas?
Would they see it as a problem. I mean, I have a lot of years in me, and probably this time will be used to finetune and develop my ideas. So if someone caught me, and started to torture my children. Would that be a problem to those who use my ideas? Probably.
Now if it happens to be, that those who follow one’s ideas happens to be the president of the United States AND the leader of the Russian federation. Then would they have the skills and firepower to come to the rescue. Yes.
This is essentially where we are today. Sabers don’t keep just rattling, there will be a time, where they will taken out of the scabbards.
Just saying, and is Denmark ready to defend itself against an attack against both Russia and the US at the same time.
This is really getting out of hand, can someone please come and do something about it?
G-d bless the will to handle this peacefully.
All right, I just need to get this straight in my head. Mr. Elon Musk is, effectively, connecting the positive relationship between the US and Europe on me, and my movement?
So in other words, if we get more heat, it will make the US draw away from Europe. Seriously!
Elon, I know we have been brothers in arms for some time, I really helped you when you were in trouble after you bought Twitter. But the ENTIRE relationship if the PET keeps beating me and my friends up.
That is just, hands down, amazing. In the situation I am in with the heat I get from the PET, that is just amazing. Thanks so much man, that was just pay back beyond expectations. Thanks. Hopefully this can be the final straw that will break the camels back.
G-d bless the friendship that actually matters. I appreciate it. Thanks. 🙏
Seriously my agendas are just booming back. ISIS attack in the US, I can hardly follow all the agendas that I have engineered that are having a comeback.
Yet, it makes sense, and it ties very well into the Middle East process. Doing more Democracy in the Middle East is having a comeback.
And if the PET fights me, and I am fighting ISIS, then who are the allies of the PET exactly. You guessed it, and it is for real. It is ISIS. Disgusting isn’t it.
G-d bless the will to have peace in the Middle East. May we all prevail.
It is kind of dialectic. At one hand we have the Trump administration, that, through my very good friend Mr. Elon Musk, endorses the friends of mine. The Adf, Tommy Robinson and others of the parts of the political movement that comes out of the Mohamed cartoon crisis and hence the Danish defense, that I made, theoretically.
At the same time, we just have this insidious persecution of us all.
Tommy Robinson has been in and out of prison, my own life has been hell lately.
So in effect we have these juxtapositions, that must come to some kind of leveling out. Our ideas are essentially the base of the Republican Party, and if Europe wants to keep some kind of normal relations to the US, this obviously has to change somehow. Either Europe simply pulls out of the relationship to the US, part ways, or some kind of reconciliation must happen.
We are REALLY at a crossroads.
G-d bless the will to make things work between the US and Europe.
So, how do we change the PERCEPTION of Israel. There is no doubt, that Israel has become extremely unpopular in many places of the world.
First of all, we need TELL OUR SIDE OF THE STORY. So far, we have been fighting for survival, which is the right priority, in this situation. Yet there is a lot of damage done to image of Israel. That is the truth of it.
So, changing this is all about people essentially understanding our side of the story as well.
Telling stories, is about TRUTH. You can destroy people by telling lies, yet the truth is much more powerful than lies.
You can just tell the story from our perspective, and let that stand as it is.
There is a whole science about this; storytelling, using heroes and so on.
My point is, we should play that game, actively. BUT we should do it, honestly, with integrity and with skill.
We have to SHOW the world our amazing heroes, how daring and courageous they are, their prowess and skill.
If we do that, we will, slowly and with style, win over the world.
G-d bless the will to keep Israel safe.