Forests in the desert

October 15th, 2024 No comments

All right, so my forester groups, consisting of some really good foresters, world class gene manipulators and a few aristocrats did not get the Zayed foundation prize. It’s a pity, yet we are too far in the process to just give up.

We have this world leading gene manipulator in the group now, and he is really interested. I have talked with my friend Hans about it, and he will go back to the gene manipulator and see if we can present the Arab kingdoms with a plan to work with. The new member of the group can easily get funded all by himself, so it is kind of growing in scope. Good ideas seem to grow in itself.

So good people are working together to make some world class projects within foresting and growth of food in the desert.

It should be a go.

Not to mention that it will be a project where Jew and Arab work together to make something beautiful.

I have the backing of Denmark. Maybe even the Danish king, who is really interested in these kind of projects and has his summer house just besides Hans eco forest.

So we cross our fingers for this project. Planting trees in the desert and making food there, with saline water is a dream come true.

G-d bless the will to make friends and do it by building wonderful things.

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Do more

October 15th, 2024 No comments

All right, you are right Barack, there is a lot on my table these days. Yet the presidential race is, right now, the most important.

How do we win? We do it by showing engagement and taking the show to the road.

It is better to make mistakes than making a perfect show.

So my advice would be; do more. More interviews, more rallys, more of everything. Then you will get to the White House.

G-d bless the will to make a show, that all will remember.

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The mission of light

October 15th, 2024 No comments

This is a message to the humanists of Europe. I know that you are trying to help me, you did save me from the PM when she really tried to kill me. So I am really grateful for that.

Yet, promising me the Nobel peace prize, and then not delivering. That was just not cool.

I know that it would have been a risky move, and that I am underground. But just imagine the peace it could have given the world. With your backing, I could have done it.

So now there is the protection of Israel, and the attempt at reducing the pain on the Arab Palestinians left. I will do my best to build bridges and make people see things from two sides as well. Maybe next your you can give med the Nobel peace prize.

Yet, please do not manipulate with me. I am your light and supporter. I am your friend, you do not manipulate with your friends.

Anyway, saving me a year ago is much more important than the peace prize, for me personally. So it is ok.

I just have to focus getting my life to grow and be more prosperous. I am getting quite far. Most of my life is stable. I still need my love life to work out, but there is considerable stability.

So, for another time. Don’t promise, help if you want, but do it from a pure place of your hearts.

G-d bless the friendships you have and may they last forever. There is still the mission of light, that we have to fulfill.

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October 14th, 2024 No comments

Ok, so this is really the pivoting point. Do we go aggressively after Iran. Iran has, not openly, but still pretty clearly threatened with nuclear retaliation.

When you do massive tests of bombs that shake the continent, then then message is; we HAVE nuclear weapons, and if this escalates even further, we WILL push the button.

That is the message.

So, this leaves us with different options. We can escalate, destroy nuclear bomb infrastructure, hope that we get it all, and then pray that the Iranian refer from attacking us with nuclear bombs. This again may lead to a world escalation, essentially the destruction of man.

We can stop the war, and then try to make some deals with Hamas and Hezbollah. Which will make us look very weak, and invite future destruction.

We can the try and peddle the middle road. Not too much, not too little.

We still have to keep our goals in mind. We are fighting to MAKE ISRAEL SECURE. So we do need to still be figuring out a solution to that conundrum.

Making Iran destroy us with nuclear arms is not a step in that direction.

My point is, we have to find a middle road between too little and too much.

G-d bless the will to make peace, and keep the suffering to a minimum. When we force people to leave their homes in Lebanon, they are just as displaced as the Kibbutzes of northern Israel. War is horror of man, and a tool to be careful using.

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October 13th, 2024 No comments

Ok, so these are my thoughts concerning the attack on the UN post.

First of all; I get it. The UN is supposed to bring peace, have a fair understanding of both sides, build bridges and really work for peace.

It has not, it has taken the side of Hamas from the beginning, going back many, many years.

So, by all means, it is an enemy of the state of Israel.

Yet, does it MAKE SENSE to physically attack an outpost?

Here are my thoughts on that issue.

We have just had Yom Kippur and happy new year.

So this time is a time for reflection, forgiving, putting up new goals and so on.

We are rebels, heirs to a loooooong line of rebels and we are, honestly, very good at being rebels.

One of the arch rebels of mankind’s history, it the philosopher Socrates, who went about asking questions, and ultimately was forced to commit suicide.

Socrates had a pupil called Plato, who are the first man of science. Most of the ideas we have in science today is something Plato figured out. As such Plato MADE science.

What is the difference between Plato and Socrates? Plato did a lot of hiding all his criticism of the society. He was also a pupil of Pythagoras, who had all the methods of the mystery schools of Egypt at hand, and was a master of secrecy.

So in a sense you could say, that Plato is a mix between Pythagoras and Socrates. He is a rebel, yet a rebel with a pinch for secrecy and hiding a lot of his ideas.

That is why Plato succeeded.

Now attacking the UN physically, is that a Pythagorean or Socratic thing to do?

It is a Socratic thing to do; open exposure of a corrupted organization. What is the end result of that, it is that we are forced to commit suicide.

My point is; we have to walk that balance between secrecy and an open rebellion.

We could have exposed the UN in other ways than a direct attack.

G-d bless the will to walk the fine line between open rebellion and secret exposure and academics. (Academus was the hero in the glade that Plato taught in, thereby the name academics).

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October 11th, 2024 No comments

Concerning the situation in Gaza/Israel how do we make a process that actually gets us of the negative situation we are in.

Human nature is quite simple. It is fight or flight. Either you fight, or you run away.

Striking fear into your enemies is a way to trigger the inner physical reaction; to run away.

If you are not conscious about this physical way we people are built, then you are set on the path of revenge.

It can go on forever. An eye for an eye will leave all of humanity blind, as the saying goes.

So how do you get out of this negative process?

You do it, by putting up a positive goal, and strive for that.

A positive goal is called a virtue. Justice, enlightenment, courage, wisdom, love, solidarity, equality, brotherhood, friendship.

You put up these positive goals, and then you STRIVE for them.

Striving combined with prayer, is the strongest motor you can have in your life.

If you work out, and most people do, that a good life is with family and friends, in a small house you can afford, with a job that you find full of meaning, and you strive for that. Chances are, that you will reach that goal, or at least find that you are at a positive path.

This brings hope, and hope is the best motivation.

G-d bless the will to make the world find a constructive and positive path unto peace and prosperity for us all.

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October 9th, 2024 No comments

All right, how do we turn this development around?

There is no doubt to my mind; the key is Saudi Arabia. They have the same ambitions as we have; progress, stability and a prosperous Middle East.

Especially the crown prince his majesty Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud is a modern Arab leader.

He can use, the resources of Israel, both the spiritual as well as the material resources to make a serious progress.

There is a lot of potential in it for Saudi Arabia.

The defining crux is the election of the US. Where will it go?

Nobody knows right now, we will have to see. But there is no doubt, that that will be defining, as to where the development will go.

And at the end of the day, it is G-d that tries to make a better world.

G-d bless the will to find a constructive and positive solution to the war in the Middle East. G-d bless the will to make things and construct, as we are in the next phase of Israel.

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October 8th, 2024 No comments

I know the trauma is real, the hurt is just there beneath the surface.

The anger and the lashing out is what we do right now.

Yet is it the most favorable when it comes to the future of Israel and getting the hostages home?

The basic assumption is, that the Oslo peace accord was a catastrophe and it allowed the Gazans to rearm and fight Israel again, so there is no peace through dialogue, only one option that is to destroy the enemy. That is really the emotions and the motivation behind the Churchillian rhetoric.

Still, however, we have this glimmer of hope, maybe we can be friends with the Saudis, and make Israel safer that way around.

So, this is really my option. A thing that I have discussed and fought for a lot. To make peace with the ones who are the true powers in the Middle East. The strategy is, to make friends with everybody around us on a state level, and hope that this translates into a peaceful coexistence with Hamas and Hezbollah.

So, just imagine that we get this up and running. We lend all our technical professionalism to the Arabs, and make things with them in the economical field, in the scientific field and grow the Middle East economy from the bottom up.

If we get to that point, how would the Saudis react to another Hamas all out barrage?

They would really try to stop it, and scold Hamas.

That is the power of having allies in the Middle East.

It really worked the first time around, and it will work again.

We just need to have something that we do not do very well; having the trust in our friends and foes.

But it can’t go on like this, it is over a year of fighting. We need to normalize and have just a life of relative security.

There is no such thing as absolute security. There will always be trouble, when you have a state. We just have to act and work accordingly.

Make sure, that we are protected to the best of our ability. Strengthen our alliances, and then go with the good action, the good thoughts and the good speech.

G-d bless the will to be good in this world, and have faith in the protection of the angels and G-d. They are there for us, and they are telling us, that now it is time for peace. G-d bless the bright future of the Jews and Arabs, may we all prevail.

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The way to peace

October 7th, 2024 No comments

When you are hurt, your first reaction is to lash out, and hurt the one, that is hurting you.

This is the dynamics of war. Someone sends a rocket in your direction, and you retaliate.

Now, who has the power? The one, who can control your anger.

Who then has the power right now, mr. Sinwar has the power over Israel and the Jewish people, because he CONTROLS our fear and anger. It is an old trick in the war manual.

Now, the wise, gets in CONTROL of his anger. I have done a lot of journalistic work with the fishermen here in Denmark, who are kind of the last “viking” type Danes that are left in the country.

They are tough as nails, and they know about anger. Because anger is really what drives the northernes, or has been traditionally.

They say, that you should LISTEN to your anger, but not let it CONTROL you. Because if you let the anger control you, the one that controls your anger, controls you.

So, that is why, the POSITIVE view is so important, and why I have kept the light of the path, that can get us out of the quagmire that we are in.

There is still this wonderful, life enriching, positive path that we can just take, when we decide to do so.

Being friends with the Arabs, and making all kinds of wonderful things with them.

One year ago, we were shocked but came together as a people. Now it is time, to THINK of our future.

What is it, that we want with our country.

I would say; go with the possibility of making friends. That is a victory in itself.

Making a positive future for ourselves, is on the table, and it includes getting the hostages back.

Because, realistically, will Hamas really get in the way of Saudi Arabia?

When we make friends with the core of the Arabs, the other will follow suit, and in this way, we will be friends with Hamas as well.

We have to go to the REAL power of the Middle East, that is Saudi Arabia in the Sunni muslim world.

Do that, and we have a way to get peace and get our hostages back.

G-d bless the will to find ourselves again, and be joyful and happy again. May we find peace.

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October 6th, 2024 No comments

Concerning the discussion on metaphysics, that is the science of G-d, I believe, that there is a lot of interchanging, that can be good for both faith and science.

Being a renaissance philosopher, I have been doing a lot of exploring in the ancient philosophic ideas, that are the basis of both physics as well as metaphysics.

One of the main philosophers, that I have really studied a lot, is the philosopher Anaxagoras, that is the founder of nuclear physics.

He was one of the teachers of Plato. Socrates is much more famous than Anaxagoras, yet Anaxagoras had a bit of the same fate as Socrates, he was jailed for his ideas, that were really groundbreaking. I mean, making up nuclear physics, is pretty groundbreaking.

Anaxagoras actually ALSO had a theory about the genesis of the universe, that I have tried to talk with mr. Holger Beck Larsen about (Mr. Larsen is one of the main theorists behind the Big Bang theories). The theory is, according to Anaxagoras, that in the beginning we had just one big lump of matter, Anaxagoras calls it Sympan.

At a given time, things started to move. But not as Holger says, that is in an explosion everywhere, but with the introduction of CENTRIFUGAL power in the Sympan.

This is a much more rational explanation than Holgers, so it could be what we would call “lost knowledge”.

To me, it makes sense, that it is the interchangement of centrifugal power in combination with mass attraction (gravity) that hold everthing in a balance.

Take the moon as an example, centrifugal power is the power the pulls the moon away from the earth, gravity is the power that pulls it back, keeping the moon in an eternal circle motion.

It is actually a strange thing of the earth that we have such a large body of mass trapped in orbit around us.

It can potentially explain some of the movements on the nuclear level as well. All matter revolves around itself. The periodic system and thereby the basic elements are defined by the amount of elements that revolve around a core.

So, this may be a competing theory to the current genesis theories that Holger made.

He doesn’t seem so interested in the ideas, more the political ideas that I have try to define. But, maybe there are other physicist that will jump on the ideas. Challenging the status quo is always a good thing.

G-d bless the will to explain the universe in more truth and understanding.

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The perspectives of peace

October 6th, 2024 No comments

So how would the world look, from an Israeli perspective, if the war was over, we made those promised negotiations and work with Saudi Arabia and the other peace minded Arab nations?

First of all, it would shift the perspective from destruction to construction.

Instead of working on destroying our enemies, we would concentrate on making things with our friends.

That is a much more positive mode of existence.

When you work with people, and get to know them. You start building trust and start being dependent on each other.

You now do things, that if one of you are not in agreement, things would not be good.

Can we work with the Arabs, yes of cause. We are closely related, they are semites like us, they are civil and have good manners.

In the course of this development, we will also see new paths of both material development, as well as spiritual development. Things will be more in harmony, and that will spread to the entire world.

That is how our work, will not only make a lot of good things for us, it would also imply a huge amount of peace all around the globe. When the Sunnis and the Jews make peace, it will transform the globe.

G-d bless the will of the peace, and imagine the outcome of such an endeavour.

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The war

October 5th, 2024 No comments

Ok, let’s see if we untangle this strategy that Israel has embarked upon, and what we should perhaps do to achieve the goals that truly matter.

So far, the rethoric and the goals have been molded over Winston Churchill and his fight against the nazi regime.

The call for victory, and the implication that the enemy should be fought until it surrenders.

Well, the thing is, there is a few differences, that we need to calculate with as well.

First of all, there is the situation. Israel will have to be a partner after the war with the Arab states and the Shiite powers. This is different from the Second World War, where there were two camps. Axis and allies.

So victory ALSO has to entail some kind of positive relationship with our friends.

Since our friends are actually on a speaking relation with Iran. The US speaks with Iran all the time, and the Arabs as well. The sharp dichotomy between axis and allies are not the same in this war.

Israel WANTS the dichotomy, but it is just not there.

This is really why the war is frustrating for the Israeli.

Everyone around the war, except for Hamas and the Houthis are really not that keen on a war, but wishes to get it over with, and start the rebuilding.

So there will be no absolute surrender, because everyone around Israel are just waiting for the war to be over.

That is the truth and the fact on the ground.

Then many hope, that Trump will be that uncompromising ally and bomb Iran to the smithereens. This is not going to happen, Trump is a foreign policy dove.

He has repeatedly put his record as a peaceful president to the fore.

So he will not help Israel destroy Iran, he will probably start talking to Putin to end the Ukraine war, and try to leverage his friendship with Putin to stop the war in the Middle East as well.

He will then focus on domestic issues and make peace.

So, the basic accepted stance of the international powers seems to be, that Israel is entitled to strengthen its defense, so that another 7 October will not happen again.

This means pummeling the threatening proxies, so that they are weakened. Making safe margins between Israel and the proxies and, most important, get the hostages home.

That is really the extent of the fighting, that Israel has the ability to do, with the cards on the table.

At the same time, this cannot just go forever.

It has has to have some kind of end.

Because we have to start the vital progress that the Arabs are promising.

If you compare the importance of pummeling Hezbollah for some more time, to getting the friendships up and running with Saudi Arabia. There is absolutely no comparison. When we get there, Israel will be solidly embedded in the Middle East.

And that is a victory, that is far greater than anything we can accomplish on the battlefield.

That will make Israel a solid state with its future ahead of it.

It would accomplish the prophecy of Isaiah.

That in itself is so much of a wonder, that it is incredible.

G-d bless the will to see this development from above and get our priorities right. G-d bless the future of Israel. Happy Rosh Hashanah.

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October 5th, 2024 No comments

One of the things, that I have worked a lot on, is the relationship between faith and science.

There is no doubt, that in the French and Russian revolutions these two realms really became enemies.

Yet, in Denmark the animosity never really happened.

Niels Bohr came out of a family of Jews and Christian priests. He was a good friend of K.E. Løgstrup, the leading philosopher of his time.

The whole idea about openness as the driving force in the internet is an idea from Løgstrup who was a Christian philosopher.

Me, I have a good relationship with Mr. Holger Bech Nielsen, a renowned physicist himself, and just a really, really cool man.

So at least in Denmark, we never had this divide between religion and science.

I have been doing a lot of research into the physical roots of spirituality, that is hinging my own understanding on the classical Greek thinker Anaxagoras who invented nuclear physics.

There is a very clear definition of spirituality that is rooted in platonic philosophy.

That is the point of Plato pointing UP in the pairing I use above here.

In other words, we have an option to bridge the gap between religion and spirituality.

It will make a better world.

I know that it is not easy, and there are a lot of gender issues that are still up for discussion.

Yet there is the option to bridge the gap.

G-d bless the solidarity and peace we can make, if we embark on a journey of understanding in between religion and science.

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We have to plan for the endgame

October 5th, 2024 No comments

We are in the endgame of the Israeli/Gazan conflict so we need to start thinking on the “day after”.

For me, it is, what happens to my life, when this is over. Do I get to be a part of the outreach and support of Israel to its allies. Be a part of the support of Egypt, the Arabs and even the Persians?

For my own sake, I really hope so. It is one thing is to sit behind my device and reflect on the issues, another thing is to walk in the shadow of those great statues of Sneferu, visit what is left of the university Kemet.

See the wonders of the ancient Persian tech and the beauty of its mountain forests. Not to mention the deserts of the Arab, that I have invested so much in with my own personal resources.

Will I be able to travel these ancient lands with all its mysterious wonders? Its breathtaking advancement in civilization?

Then there is the vision, that can be achieved of Israel being what the prophets envisioned as a friend and a supporter of progress in the Middle East.

It is a huge task, and a very challenging one.

Yet, when this gets some momentum, just imagine the joy and just amazing projects the Jews will be a part of.

Going from being the persecuted loner, to be a real people with friends and family around us.

This is the promise. Not to be the punching bag for everybody all the time. A respected people with a wonderful purpose.

This is the promise, and when we get there. It will be stable and joyful.

G-d bless the peace for all its wonder and its promise of stability for the Jewish people as well for the entire Middle East. May we finally find peace.

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A new Eden

October 4th, 2024 No comments

I think it is important to understand really what the American dream is about, how it came into existence, to be able to give this dream onto the next generation.

It came with the first pilgrims who were inspired by some of these illustrious poets of Great Britain at the time.

Great Britain has this amazing tradition of telling stories of society in prose. James Joyce, Thomas More, John Keats.

A lot of the ideas that was disseminated into the British world, was made by these amazing artists/thinkers.

When the first pilgrims landed in Boston, they brought this tradition with them and started making all kinds of utopian ideas and dreams, inspired by religious thinking.

Religious thinking actually has a lot to do with politics. You can read the story of Sodom of Gomorrah, that is a religious story about two city states, Sodom and Gomorrah that are demoralized and even angels are not respected.

If you really understand the scripture, you realize, that Eden is not a place in the heavens, it is a POLITICAL construct on earth. The whole idea of religion is to point man to a society ON THE EARTH that is joyful and fulfilling. Eden refers to a city state called Eridu in Iraq.

So the “New Eden” idealism that fueled the basis of America, is really to get to that happy society.

This ideology was derailed after the second world war, where the fight against nazism became more important than building a new Eden, which, to my mind, really was a mistake.

The best way to fight a dystopian vision as the National socialist Viking ideology of National socialism is to make something that is vibrant, healthy, beautiful.

The US should really have kept to its roots in the face of nazism.

So this whole American dream process is really to RECONNECT to the ideas of the first pilgrims and keep the ideas alive and well.

A renaissance.

G-d bless the will of the first pilgrims to make heaven on earth.

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