
Ok let me try to explain what is going on on a platonic philosophical level.

Any republic will enter a phase where the ethics of the republic will deteriorate so much, that the people will call for a strongman to come in and clean up the mess.

Plato describes it as an atmosphere of annoyance. Everybody is annoying, even the animals are annoying.

The moral corruption comes from too much freedom. The liberality of the society creates these corrupted civil services. We have in Denmark the most corrupted government ever.

So democracy goes from democracy to tyranny.

These are some of the signs we see both in the UK as well as in Denmark. The liberality and the essential detoriation of the states makes them tyrannical. When a state takes people from their homes and put them in jail for writing something on the internet, it is by all means tyrannical.

The treatment I have received is tyrannical. The usual checks and balances of a democratic system has been undone and the lawstate is used to oppress the people.

If this continues, the strong man will appear and clean up the system.

That is why adherence to the democratic virtues of a system is so important. Not only is it essentially immoral to oppress the people as it is done in the UK. There is a deeper danger in the effect of this. The probable tyranny.

So that is why I have spoken for a conservative reawakening and ethical reform.

For honesty to be the way, for decency to be reinstated. The British civil servant has been famous for his integrity. This is something to care about and keep.

G-d bless the will to be honest and caring again. And release all of these hapless souls who are in jail for having the wrong opinions. They should be freed.

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