Democratic reconstitution

This is for Mr. Keith Starmer. Keith you know, that I literally made the political base you stand on, that of Obamanism. Theoretically, practically and all.

Yet, you support a political trend, that has put my children to the torture bench.

How is that even possible?

Why do you put so many innocent people in jail for writing something on Facebook?

How is that EVER an expression of Change? Change is supposed to be a DEMOCRATIC movement. For the people, to the people.

And you have just put grandmothers in jail, where some of them have shanked to death.

Seriously, how can you talk about democracy when you have handled yours responsibility like that.

We are ashamed of what has happened in the UK.

To be an honest member of the democratic family. You RELEASE all those who are not in conformity of some stupid woke agenda.

THAT would be Democratic.

Seriously Keith, you need to change course. So does Mette Frederiksen.

G-d bless the will to see a democratic reconstitution of the UK.

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