Book Consultant


200 dollars pr. hour.


The think tank covers the following areas:

– Politics
– Economy
– Metaphysics

The process is a two-way process where the issues are discussed and the recommendations are issued forth in a paper.

Normally processes are evolving over time. So say a political process, be it a new path for a political party or a country, would involve issuing forth the problems, find the principles that is due to be used in the evolving time frame, and consequently find a new path.


The engagement is framed by political adherence. Basically Rubicon is liberal/conservative blog, and the advice will be as such.

There are no strings attached, both ways. It is just advice, and can be used or not. In a conflicting situation, where two parties both would like to use my advice. I will choose which part to work with based on the contemporary similarities between the philosophy of Rubicon, and the party I would work. The more similarities the greater the chance of cooperation.

The cooperation between the parties I work with, will be eternal at best, and for a very long time at second best 🙂

Please if you wish to engage in a collaboration. Do not hesitate to write on

  1. May 20th, 2014 at 14:55 | #1

    On voit directement que vous connaissez très bien ce thème

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