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To serve

Well, what is really the way to find balance between the federal as well as the national state? First and foremost, it is, for the federal level a matter of showing the citizens of the European Union, that it makes sense. What is it, that the federal level can give the peoples of Europe. When […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

To give

All right, one of the main issues of the EU is the economy. The commission is using my ideas in this regard. Which is, essentially to be realistic about the competition that comes from China. China uses all kinds of tricks to build their economy. A good example is the ev market that these days […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Good speech Benyamin

Benyamin, that was an amazing speech, no doubt about it. The vibrant points, the historical links and most important, the renewed friendship between Israel and the US. Very, very good. I heard, that before the speech, there has been rumors about a peace treaty, so that aspect was not IN the speech, but you mentioned […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Well done mr. President

Joe, it really a shame that you end your term, yet I understand, and the way you have done it, is just admirable. What is at the core of a Democracy? It is honesty, integrity, putting your nation above yourself. These qualities, are essential for a democracy to work. Especially when things are not looking […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Find the success

Ok, so I have been reflecting over the EU. I know, that we have to get the process going, both the National as well as the Federalists are getting a bit impatient. I do apologize, the reason why I have been unfocused on the issue, is simply my situation. It is very difficult to make […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Protecting the weak

So, my debate on the mix that the system of law is doing of politics into the law system seems to have made its way into the American election. Robert F. Kennedy jr. is taking about Snowden, and I guess that Trump is pretty keen on getting the system to respect his candidacy. I hope […]

Categories: Politics Tags:


All right, so there is a new nominee for the liberal camp in the US. Ms. Kamala Harris, she is very good, so let’s see how we may make some kind of manifesto that will make sense in the US. In the UK Mr. Starmer is working old school Obamanism. It seems to work quite […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Thanks Joe

Joe, I am so so sorry. I wish I have had the energy and focus to support you some more. I feel partially responsible. If I had the focus, maybe I could have pulled you through. Though to be honest, it is definitely wiser to pull the stops now. To be realistic about your energy […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

The rights of the citizens.

Well, we need to get the police under control. They have been persecuting me, and are obviously busy persecuting people they think are not good for society. Essentially I have no idea why they are doing this. Political control has no place in a democratic society. Tyrannies and dictatorships are home for police control of […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

The ombudsman

I have been on the sharp end of governmental persecution for many, many years. It can be worse, I know a guy who has been in and out of prisons for putting up provocative stickers and another one who have just been sentenced to 1 1/2 year of prison because he put some paint on […]

Categories: Politics Tags:


All right, so we are kind nearing the end of one crisis, and we need to help at another place to make things work. My feeling is, that mr. Netanyahu will start the peace process for real next Wednesday. He is addressing the congress in the US, and that kind of news will get him […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Finding true love

All right, I know that my endeavors into the realm of love is not exactly high profile politicking, yet it seems to me, that a lot of my readers are really into it. Love is essentially a subject that never goes out of style. Why worry about AI, when you can worry about the rich […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

True artistry

You know, when you make ideas and propose new developments of society, then more often than not, it just falls apart, and you become a failure. The EU is experiencing this moment right now. Most of the ideas that it is based on, just doesn’t work. I am not saying this to be negative, it […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Rubicon garage

We are at this pivotal moment in politics. For the last 15 years, I have, more or less, run the show in coming up with new ideas to how we should change politics. It has come to a point, where everybody is kind of doing my game. First of all, this is not a “yes […]

Categories: Politics Tags:

Plato and love

I think we need to understand the complexity of the gender debate, to truly understand, why and what we are supposed to do in this day and age. The virtue is equality. Equality is virtue of gender, at least it has been this since Karl Marx deduced it from the platonic lore he read, and […]

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags: