
Archive for the ‘Metaphysics’ Category

Finding true love

All right, I know that my endeavors into the realm of love is not exactly high profile politicking, yet it seems to me, that a lot of my readers are really into it. Love is essentially a subject that never goes out of style. Why worry about AI, when you can worry about the rich […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

Plato and love

I think we need to understand the complexity of the gender debate, to truly understand, why and what we are supposed to do in this day and age. The virtue is equality. Equality is virtue of gender, at least it has been this since Karl Marx deduced it from the platonic lore he read, and […]

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:


So Axl Rose kind of hit me on my Facebook page. I get it, it makes sense, we are both rock stars. Off cause, Axl Rose is much more than me, there is no doubt, yet my art form is greatly influenced by my own experience as a rock musician. I think that the ENERGY […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

Let’s make a movie

When we talk about Hollywood, and my ambition to make a film. I truly believe, that it has to have something to do about love, romance and finding that person that truly lifts us up. We have been through a long movement of Meetoo, which has, in many ways been amazing and truly positive. Yet […]

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:

How to make a good life

One the things, that I have philosophized a lot about together with some of my nerdy friends, is HOW to sustain a relationship for a long time. When you are an artist, your life has a lot of ups and downs, you are never better than your last record, as they say. Making a stable […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

Finding true love

Many people say, that love is only for the wealthy. That to have true love, you have to have a good career, be respected in the community and all that. That is off cause a truth in a sense, to find true love you have to be in a place, where you are able to […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

Finding a soulmate

There are some of my readers that have this issue of having problems finding true love. If you have everything, then why don’t you find true love? The reason for this is quite simple. When you see someone that you identify with, it is a reflection of your own ideal character. If you travel down […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

The relation

The connection between Denmark, England, even Scotland, Wales, Ireland and the US is a long and historic relationship. In terms of poetic platonic love I guess that this is not the first time we have been there. Wolfgang Von Goethe was a romantic in the platonic mold, and he made a HUGE impression on the […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:


Denmark, the UK, America is essentially the same Anglo Saxon culture. My surname Engberg is a name my family got from Angels here in Denmark. Engberg is a small mound in Angels. Yet, there is a deep difference in the cultures. Danish culture is essentially masochistic I think. We always punish our greatest thinkers. Like […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:


Ok, I have been pondering how to make a Hollywood movie. We could do it this way; a lot of the ideas that I have for eternal love and as a consequence of this family and community, is very much a part of the whole catholic renaissance. The Catholic Church rests on, for a large […]

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:

The Haredi conflict

Well, there is only one viable solution to the Haredi conflict, and the consequent split between the religious and the secular parts of Israel. That is to make a royal institution, that will have sway over the legislative and military forces of Israel. The armies of Israel should be able to confer the power of […]

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:

Rebirth of platonic love

I have given some thought to the whole Hollywood princess drama that has kind of happened lately. I love films. To me films are a multilayered artistic expression. I have been a writer for many years, I started as a musician and then I was a dancer. These are individual genres of artistic expression. Until […]

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

Having faith

As the progress of faith is moving along, I truly believe, that we are focusing on a renaissance within the IDEA of G-d. We will be in a community, where everybody have faith. G-d bless the will to do good in this world.

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:


The new anglican communion is under way, and what a beautiful moment! I had no idea, that we are moving forward with some of the perspectives I have had. Mainly the fact, that science and religion is no more separate. The job that I have done, merging metaphysics and physics again, is now a part […]

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:

Happy birthday Sasha

Happy birthday Sasha, I didn’t notice, that it was your birthday yesterday, sorry about that. I have been kind of watching you and Malia over the years, being friends with your parents. You seem to have all the qualities of both your dad and mother. Such a fine young woman! You have a bright future […]

Categories: America, Metaphysics Tags: