The Haredi conflict

Well, there is only one viable solution to the Haredi conflict, and the consequent split between the religious and the secular parts of Israel. That is to make a royal institution, that will have sway over the legislative and military forces of Israel.

The armies of Israel should be able to confer the power of the royal house in battle.

It does already in a sense, but it should be made into institutions.

In this way, we will solve the problem with religious Jews unable to fight in the secular army.

We could maybe work on some legions loyal to the crown and some legions loyal to the secular, democratic parts of Israel. But usually the armed forces are, traditionally, an arm of the crown. This is happening in Denmark, the UK, Spain that I know of.

So, that is really the only true answer to the problem.

If we can make it work, I do think we should start to discuss.

It’s the only way for Israel to survive on the long run.

G-d bless the will for Israel to survive.

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