Thank you Mr. Trump!

So this is my view on the Middle East, for Mr. Trump to use, if he so wishes. Just as a thank you for the support. Thank you, it’s pretty amazing. After having lived on the run from the police for two years. Support is just, really, really well felt.

Anyway. Mr. Blinken has done a crack of a job in the negotiations. I really like Anthony Blinken. He is actually an honest person, with integrity, and has flown the Stars and Stripes with pride. He is intelligent, has integrity, a good man.

The other player that really is important is Saudi Arabia, they really like you. They see you as uncorrupted and honest.

They are really invested in the peace process and holds a strong voice in the Middle East because of their honesty and ethical stance of things. They are, as I see them, like the Vatican of the West. They value honesty and integrity.

So they will definitely help you. Some of the other Arab states as well.

The problem with Gaza is essentially the terrain. Hamas is dug in pretty well in some annoying tunnels. Still 40 % left.

My idea, from the beginning was to repatriate the civilians of Gaza to a refugee camp and then clean the are of fighters and then make the area a ecumenical area for the different faiths to build their churches and mosques.

Off cause, we need to remigrate the Gazans to somewhere worthy, but that would fix the problem. Benyamin doesn’t really want to follow this plan. I have no idea why, but I respect Benyamin. He is a friend and a compatriot.

So, you need to support the IDF the way THEY see fit. They know the land and so on. Also, there has been a cooperation going on for a long time.

The effect of EXTRA support is vital. Just give the IDF what they need.

This is just my opinion, and I write it help you, as I am being helped. 😊

G-d bless the peace we will find, eventually.

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