
So Axl Rose kind of hit me on my Facebook page.

I get it, it makes sense, we are both rock stars. Off cause, Axl Rose is much more than me, there is no doubt, yet my art form is greatly influenced by my own experience as a rock musician.

I think that the ENERGY of music has to be a part of the written word. I ALWAYS do first takes.

So the issue is women, again, I guess. The subject that we men NEVER tire of.

Mr. Rose has a beautiful story to tell about a sprite of a beautiful woman, that once stole his heart.

Stealing a man’s heart is not easy, as Emma Watson say to Ron; you men have feelings and imagination that fill the space of a teaspoon.

That is one of the bridges that we have to span. How do we men understand the fair gender? When we understand, that they are complex, and hence have a complex understanding of our relationship, then we truly understand some of women.

So how do we then handle this complexity? We give them the emotional space they need to unfold all their emotions.

As Sting say, if you love someone, set them free.

The freedom they need to unfold all their complex emotions, is inspiring for us men.

Women are amazing, and when we give ourselves the opportunity to really get to know them and reflect their emotions, we get this perfect relationship.

We as men, have to open up for emotions of women. To truly be inspired.

G-d bless the will to see the beauty of women.

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

United we stand

It seems to me, that there is this moment of reconciliation and recognition of our political opponents.

Maybe, just maybe we can set aside the perceived differences for a time, and find some unity.

If we look at the content of the political divide, there is not much difference.

We have to get the borders under control. We have to focus on a patriotic blue collar defense of the union worker. We have to make our economy work again and we have to get the challenge with China under control.

Based on my last book, I am also arguing for a renaissance within media, science, and the legal system.

I have put up some ideals and recommend an ETHICAL development within the state, so that I renews itself.

Not to point fingers at anyone, to make sure that our democracy is alive, vibrant and is able to survive these new challenges. We should be a better version of ourselves, remember the revolutionary zeal for virtue, human rights, illumination, justice, solidarity and essentially a society that is left better than what we inherited.

Make a better world. As they used to say, at the very beginning of my journey. United we stand divided we fall.

G-d bless the will to unite under the banner of good, solidarity, justice and illumination.

Categories: Politics Tags:


These are my own experience with living under a lot of stress due to my political work.

I have a lot of enemies. Some covert, some open. The current foreign minister is an enemy and I have entertained you with my experience with the PET, the secret service.

First of all. It is a choice, if you enter into politics, it’s just a premis of your work. Especially in the higher layers of politics. Putin lives with a constant death sentence hanging over him. So does the PM of Israel, Trump and many more.

Essentially I have learned to live with it. It is the price of doing politics on the highest level.

Secondly, I am REALISTIC about the world around me. The PET are not friends, they never will be. But they can be made into some kind of partners, sometimes.

Thirdly, politics is like a sea, it ebbs and flows. Sometimes you are riding high, sometimes you are low. That is just the nature of politics. So when you are riding high, you make a lot of friends, help all you can. So when there is a low, your friends come to your aid.

Then there is another high, and so on.

Fourthly, to be on the highest level, you HAVE to be paranoid, yet at the same time REALISTIC. You may have an idea, that someone is hunting you, make sure to check it out. It has to be verified, somehow

Fifthly, when people hunt you, don’t be all angry and revengeful. More often than not, that is exactly the reaction your enemy is looking for. They want to control you, by controlling your anger.

Sixthly, stock your weapons. In the beginning I could always blog on issues that I were afraid of, influence the world opinion and so on. The problem with that is, that you are seen as a troublemaker. I still call out my enemies sometimes, but I have a host of weapons, that I apply according to the threat. Mostly, when an enemy get a slap over the wrist, they stop and I can get on with my life.

Seventhly, keep up keeping up. Don’t let the political fight get you down. Keep your good vibe, be happy, supportive, a good friend. If you loose your good humor, it’s not worth it. I really like Saranskys way, he got up every morning and sang to his hearts content.

Eightly, keep your goals positive. Don’t get caught up in the machinations of power. Steer towards something that will make the world a better place.

Ninthly, build alliances. I thought the MOSSAD would have protected me, when the PET were really after me. They didn’t, but the EU did, and the communists. If I hadn’t been positive and helpful to either, I would have been dead by now. But because I supported them both, they helped back, when I needed it.

The saying goes, that you should build your house on stone ground and not on sand. Stoneground is the relations you have. If they are good, you will prevail, if they bad you will be blown away by the first of storms, and the storm always come.

Tenthly, be clear with yourself why you are into politics. If your reasons are not right, do something else. I do it, not because of honor, honor is a fleeting thing. Not because of money, somehow money eludes me. I do it, because I love to do it. It’s what I really like to do. The challenge in figuring the best solution, the ability to use my knowledge, the joy in seeing a plan come to fruition and work, the joy in working with some of the best politicians in the world, and the ethical mission, making a better world.

So, these are my experiences.

G-d bless the will to work in politics and make a better world.

Categories: Politics Tags:


Beneath the Torah there seems to be a layer of wisdom, that we have to apply in this war, to make sense of it all.

Jews are far away descendants of a diaspora from Scandinavia, so some of the ancient lore of the Scandinavians are possible lore to make for a base of reflection in this day and age as well.

In the north, the lore is kept in the wisdom of the runes.

The Nordic Thorah is the Runes.

One of the letters of the runes is the letter Ur or Urz. It represents the ox, or rather the ancient wild ox that was prevalent in the north many thousands of years ago.

It is contrasted with the letter fehu, that represents the domesticated cattle.

The wild auroch was admired for its strength, power and were untamable.

Both physical strength as well as emotional and spiritual strength.

On one hand the untamed strength is a powerful engine towards a goal.

Yet the message of Ur as a rune is also, that we have to “tame” the energy so that the energy can be directed to a place that is beneficial for all.

It is in a way a reflection on the sephirot strictness and mercy.

Yet it talks to the nature of the Jewish people. We have this raw strength that is devastating, if we loose it upon the world, as we have done numerous times. Torn down empires.

There is however a reflection on the aim of civilization in opposition to raw strength that we have to do.

When to be civilized and when to fight.

That is how you win wars.

G-d bless the will to get the hostages back, and develop as a people in the process. Get to know ourselves better.

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Why is it, that we are not going into the peace negotiations with a clear mission to get hostages back?

I get it, there is the motivation to destroy Hamas. Yet, why? What is the end goal? What if we destroy Hamas, will that make us safer?

We have destroyed empires, yet we have never been safe.

My point is, we need to UNDERSTAND our anger in order for us to do the actions that will, in all rationality and within reason makes Israel safe.

If we loose the aim of this war, and let our anger lead us, we will not get to a better place.

There is time for revenge, yet revenge served on a cold plate is said to taste better.

My point is, that we have to get JUSTICE we also have to understand what that justice is.

G-d bless the will to take a step back and get real in the peace negotiations.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Mr. Trump

Oh my g-d political violence, again.

First of all, I know exactly how you feel Mr. Trump, I have myself been through the same for the last 15 years. I have managed to survive, but the rest of my friends have either been shot, put in jail or silenced in some other way.

I came to the fore at the same time as Breibart, and he is dead. My friend Lars Vilks is dead. One of my friends I going to jail for 1 1/2 years for a minor offense and so on.

This renaissance is so violent.

But my experience is at the same time, that you just have to keep on going on.

So what is really at stake here?

First of all, what we in the middle of, is a change of direction. I have kind of been the general in this movement, so I know the ups and downs.

If you compare to the time of Martin Luther King and a young Kennedy, it was the same. Even though rev. King was for non violence, the system didn’t like him, so he was probably killed in a conflict with them.

I am not sure, but that is how things are right now, so it’s probably the same then. He was in jail and so on.

After that we put statues of him, but in his own life he was a martyr.

The thing is, a new political movement has to go from the rebellious state to being institutionalized as fast as possible, to make all the blood and mayhem as little as possible.

That was the idea behind my own tv station TV freedom. It was an attempt at institutionalizing the movement.

It didn’t work, but it will eventually. That is just how these movements are.

It’s also the idea behind my support to the social democrats. It is an attempt at institutionalizing the movement.

It can go horribly wrong and end up in a revolution. That is when the system does not open up for the new developments.

This is very probable in places like Denmark, where it is adamant in violently beating down the new development.

While as in the UK, Mr. Starmer is realizing these ideas peacefully.

So coming back to Mr. Trump. The best thing we can do, is to accept him.

G-d bless the will to incorporate the new ideas and make the a part of our institutions.

Categories: Politics Tags:


Ok, let’s have a look on the current development in the political sphere.

My last book “Eden” seems to have an impact on the whole “post war” discussion in Israel. How do we make sure, that Israelis do not divulge into pit fights, and the unity that was created in the aftermath of 7’th October, how do we keep that movement going.

It comes down to knowledge of the virtues of the state; justice, wisdom, enlightenment and love or solidarity.

To get the different arms of the state to work better will propel the state of Israel to be on a more well functioning mode.

We have to work on our legal system, make it more just, on our scientific institutions, make them more enlightening, also media has to be serving the light, if it has to work.

I know that my point of departure is mainly Platonic, yet the sources of Plato are the same as all the Jewish legal debate principle. There is some difference in some of the principles, yet the basic point, that the legal system is a tool of justice is the same in Jewish law as in platonic law and there is off cause room for discussion.

We HAVE to be better at the state implementing just, fair and morally clean solutions because that is the problem, at least seen from a platonic perspective, that we are moving into an age of moral corruption, and we need to pulling out bootstraps up, to make the state work again.

This goes for politics as well, we need good servants of the state to be at the head of the states. People who put their country above themselves and SERVE.

In the UK Mr. Starmer has had a brilliant start on the whole debate, and it seems to me, that the UK can be a serious renaissance leader with Mr. Starmer. Mr. Starmer is talking about the positive impact of being a good servant, serving good. So the UK could be a world leader in politics. He has had a good start.

This feeds into the EU debate. Instead of seeing the nation states as competitors see them as something that the federal level should work with and for.

The cleaner the commission gets morally, the better it can be a positive partner. All the secrecy, the lack of transparency and so on must be worked on, to be an example.

So, focus on GOOD.

G-d bless the will to serve the littlelest in our societies.

Categories: Politics Tags:

The sea

Well, I have been pondering the possibility to make a film a bit more. These are some of my reflections.

First of all, the setting could be a voyage. One of the main themes of story telling has been the voyage of going from somewhere to somewhere. The Odyssey one of the first stories of the sailor going from challenge to challenge. But from a more modern perspective, there is the stories of Joseph Conrad. Again a compilation of yarns and stories with a deep psychological theme beneath it. The voyage down the river to the heart of darkness, discussing the sides of man that was revealed under the western colonization of the world.

The sea is a both feminine as well as potent companion, full of mystery and danger yet also of incredible beauty.

Hemingway also had some of his best works as a dialogue with a fisherman trying to get a big catch back to his village.

Maybe that could be the setting; the sea, it gives room for a lot of drama, and it could kind of tie into the love story.

Then about character building, I mean, I am an international warrior/philosopher and I am dating the crown princess of Spain. So I mean, there is a lot of room for a funny and really deep character building there. The inspiration is there. Add to this, the adversary, the PET which is a KGB like institution in Denmark that is pure evil, makes for a real life bad guy, that is more evil than anyone can imagine.

Off cause we should be careful and not name the persons in real wording, because that would mean, that the PET would start harrowing the project.

So we then need a story.

That would be some of the questioning, a discussion on background music. A classical driven background theme could be an idea.

That could have a potential in creating a new direction in the gender debate.

G-d bless the will to find a new and more positive way for our love lives.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Let’s make a movie

When we talk about Hollywood, and my ambition to make a film. I truly believe, that it has to have something to do about love, romance and finding that person that truly lifts us up.

We have been through a long movement of Meetoo, which has, in many ways been amazing and truly positive.

Yet after a fight, there should also be a time of healing.

What we need now is healing. We need to find each other again, and truly connect.

Here the platonic soul mate ideals are a path we can take.

These ideals are just eternal and beautiful.

So maybe make a movie about that? It would probably push all the right buttons with the audience as well, and Plato really gives a lot of depth and understanding to these issues.

It moves on a very, very high theoretical level and at the same time, it is both practical as well and easily understandable if you tell it in the right way.

So hit me an offer to copilot a manuscript. I have mostly worked in journalism/documentary in Denmark, yet I know most of the craft, and have a story to tell, so I could probably help make a really good movie.

G-d bless the will to find healing in love again.

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:

Haredi draft

These are my reflections on the issue of the Haredi draft.

My angle is the historical philosophical. Where do we Jews come from, and hence, how can we siphon some kind of understanding concerning a certain issue.

We Jews are coming from Scandinavia, originally, at least this is my own conclusion after doing a lot of research. Scandinavians have raided the Mediterranean since time immemorial. Some of the latest settlements are the Rus in Kiev, that has given us Russia.

Jews come from an earlier wave, that was commenced in around the time of Abraham. Some call it the sea peoples, because of the ability to sail.

There are stories about a kinship between the citystate Sparta and Jews. The city state Sparta was Viking as Athens.

So at the root of Jewish culture lie this raider/warrior mentality that is seen unfolding to its classical theme in the Gaza war, with anger and revenge as some of the motifs.

That is how we Vikings act, with anger, revenge, war and mayhem.

You can also see it reflected in the pantheon of Jewish angels. The Jewish angels are both pretty and raw.

Take the angel Thehyagrah that work destruction. The archangel Michael, another warrior angel.

So war is an integral part of Jewish lore, culture and religion.

Take Moses that was a destroyer with the ten plagues.

Now, this is the tradition. And that is why we are so good at fighting, it’s an integral part of Jewish lore.

Some say, that we are the best.

Yet, seen from an ethical perspective, you could first see it from a Viking perspective. That is, at least from what I have understood from the fishermen here in Denmark, who are the remnants of Vikings in Denmark and also from understanding the runes. Anger needs to be UNDERSTOOD in order for it to work. That is what has been our downfall in this war. We let the anger lead us, Instead of listening to the anger and then act strategically.

Yet seen from a more modern perspective, you can see the ethical reflections in the tree of Kabbbalah at the left side, you have the pillar of severity and at the other side the pillar of mercy.

So you could argue, that there is a BALANCE In between severity, that is punishment and strictness and mercy that is acceptance and understanding.

In other words, the tree of life has this balance incorporated and is then a more advanced ethical concept than war, revenge and fighting.

So, to conclude. We are warriors, we have always been warriors and will always be warriors. As a new thing we have this punishing army, and we need to find that balance between Geburah (severity) and Chesed (mercy).

This is, from my perspective, that underlying ethical ideas and reflections you can use on the Haredi draft. War has always been here, the question is, how do we find BALANCE.

G-d bless the will to find balance in the war against Hamas.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Give Netanyahu a break

Ok, let’s see, if we can analyze on the current situation in Israel.

First of all, Gallant seems to head the government now. It’s his ideas that are implemented. Netanyahu wanted to excempt the Haredi in the military, Gallant was against, so now there is a Haredi enrollment.

When Israel communicates with the US it is Gallant and not Netanyahu.

Netanyahu is really marginalized in his own government.

At the other side, the Palestinian Arab are really feeling the heat, and are close to calling in. That must be said, that that is due to Netanyahu. So in a way it is a bit unfair, that Netanyahus policies seem to work, and he is getting more and more unpopular.

So I am not picking sides, just stating the obvious and I think we need to give Bibi a break.

He is hard pressed, yet he is actually getting things done. Despite all the pressure from around the world.

G-d bless the will to see clearly in a foggy war.

Categories: Politics Tags:


Ok, I have just watched the inauguration speech of Mr. Starmer, well done. That was actually an inspiring and beautiful speech.

I have really tried to figure out, how to keep our democracies healthy and sound.

So, together with Barack, we have kind of made a utopia in the sense, that what we believe will have to drive Change is an ethical renewal or renaissance within civil service.

The virtues of the all the arms of the state has to be renewed. A more just police, a sharper and more progressive scientific institutions, better media, all based on a secure and sound community.

We have been going the wrong way for some time. Having a more just state will reinstate the trust from the public in public institutions.

There is one point, that I have come to understand, through my own fight to give those of little a voice.

A society must be judged by the wealthfare of those who have the least.

The abandoned, the poor, those who does not have much.

People with little means are often most dependent on the state. More often that not the state is arrogant. At least to my experience.

Here in Denmark we have had a long discussion on the unemployment civil services. They are all just run on making sure that they pay as little as possible to those unemployed.

Sometimes they torture people.

Some of these austerity measures, as the UK also has had, must be made much more sound and fair.

We should make sure, that we are not overspending. But the economic rationale that is behind the current treatment of the poor is cynical and heartless.

Making sure those who have the littlest are treated with compassion is vital.

G-d bless the will to see people for what beautiful individuals they are even those who have very litttle.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Welcome Mr. Starmer

Ok, so the power had shifter in the UK. The conservatives are out, and the social democrats are in.

First of all, I have been a companion of the conservative rule ever since Cameron.

So, it is bittersweet, that the Conservatives have lost.

Yet, this is politics. You win some, and you loose some.

At the end of the day, a loss will make you stronger, if you learn from it.

So now we have to go into a creative mode, where we find out what went wrong, and what are our answers to that.

At the same time, welcome Mr. Starmer, you are, by all means, a sympathetic and wise man.

G-d bless the will to understand what are the challenges we face today, and how to do something about it.

Categories: Politics Tags:


When I did a lot of the peace building in the Middle East ten years ago, it was a peace building that was based on the shared legacy and culture of the Middle East. We are all heirs to the culture that has shaped most of humanity. Law, the republic, trade, religion, royalty, are all ideas that was born in the Middle East and still thrives in many places.

Ethics and philosophy is an integral part of all the governments in the Middle East.

So finding bridges between the different creeds was what worked.

So I went and did other things. And left my work pretty much undone. This some of the background to the 7’th October, at least from my perspective.

It culminated in the problems I had with the Danish authorities, that set an end date to my ideas in the Middle East. But I have come back, through an arduous and often very painful process, I have proved my mettle, and have proved that I am not finished, and I am still an active player in the Middle East.

So, at least from my perspective, I need to keep being an active part of the Middle East. This is my realization in this “after the war” discussion.

G-d bless the will to stay with the developments you are a part of.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Thanks for the support

Guys, I just want you to thank you for the support, that you all have been doing for a long time.

When you are really in need of help, it is often a huge surprise that it comes.

And when it comes, it feels like true love and friendship.

You did not have to. Yet a lot of people have been super supportive.

I hope that this support will give us a more peaceful and connected world in the end.

G-d bless the will to show love and solidarity in a world where this is truly needed.

Categories: Politics Tags: