To serve

Well, what is really the way to find balance between the federal as well as the national state?

First and foremost, it is, for the federal level a matter of showing the citizens of the European Union, that it makes sense.

What is it, that the federal level can give the peoples of Europe.

When you are a successful artist, you get an audience. In music it’s casual listeners, fans and so on.

So automatically, you start trying to play to your fanbase. You keep an eye on how they react to your new music, and off cause you expand your repertoire to include new listeners.

That is a healthy artistic development.

If you do not have any listeners, more often than not you build this weird world, where you rationalize yourself to be “avant garde” and try to tell yourself, that the reason you do not have any listeners are everyone else fault but yourself.

The direction of your art takes on all kind of weird ways. I have seen modern dancers looking like flamingos and parakeets.

The same goes to academics. Most academics do not have any real connection to the people, and makes all kinds of nonsense.

Get my point?

The EU needs to 1. Get directly in contact with the peoples of EU. 2. Be relevant to the peoples of EU.

Van Gogh had this method he used, when he did his paints. He imagined a huge audience around him applauding him when he painted.

The same goes for the EU. Start pushing yourself to SEE an audience around you.

To have success, you need to serve that audience. That is how democracies work. Any kind of powers are dependent on the applause of the fans they serve.

Figure that out, and you are going in the right direction.

First of all, get rid of all the things people are really annoyed with.

G-d bless the will to SERVE the citizens of the EU.

Categories: Politics Tags:

To give

All right, one of the main issues of the EU is the economy.

The commission is using my ideas in this regard. Which is, essentially to be realistic about the competition that comes from China. China uses all kinds of tricks to build their economy.

A good example is the ev market that these days are flooded with cheap cars. To root out the European competition. So when the competition is rooted out, prices goes up.

It is essentially a malign kind of mob capitalism.

So we counter it, by targeting the the markets that the Chinese are gunning for, and put up trade barriers. It is against free market theory. Yet free markets are build on the presumption that all play by the book. China is not playing by the book, so we need to adapt.

Also, we need to invest in the producers we have. This implies risk, because state supported industries tend to loose capitalist muscles.

So there is a balance there.

Now, then we come to the renewed ATTITUDE I propose for the commission.

So far investment has been stamped with a big EU on it.

Turn that around and HELP the nationstates with their troubles. Do not ask for a lot in return.

Just give and then move on.

Accept that a lot of business is very patriotic.

Just give anyway, unconditionally.

That is how you win over hearts and minds.

G-d bless the will to make a new day for the European countries.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Good speech Benyamin

Benyamin, that was an amazing speech, no doubt about it. The vibrant points, the historical links and most important, the renewed friendship between Israel and the US.

Very, very good.

I heard, that before the speech, there has been rumors about a peace treaty, so that aspect was not IN the speech, but you mentioned it before, so that was the balance we are looking for.

It is quite strengthening for your position, and with that, you have a bit more room for maneuvering.

So, hopefully this war comes to an end soon. I at least have been praying for that for a long time.

A REALISTIC, long term solution that will hopefully prevent another 7 October.

So, we will get through with this.

G-d bless the will to make Israel secure, and G-d bless the United States of America.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Well done mr. President

Joe, it really a shame that you end your term, yet I understand, and the way you have done it, is just admirable.

What is at the core of a Democracy? It is honesty, integrity, putting your nation above yourself.

These qualities, are essential for a democracy to work. Especially when things are not looking good.

You do exemplify these virtues, and I hope, that your example will inspire a new generation to come.

Well done Joe, you have been one of the best presidents of the United States of America.

G-d bless you, your family and your future.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Find the success

Ok, so I have been reflecting over the EU. I know, that we have to get the process going, both the National as well as the Federalists are getting a bit impatient.

I do apologize, the reason why I have been unfocused on the issue, is simply my situation. It is very difficult to make political progress, when you are hard pressed, for different reasons.

So, maybe this pressure is lessening, and I can focus on trying to make a new plan for the EU?

If not, then we are really in trouble.

Anyway, there are actually several issues we have to figure out at once.

First issue is migration. I know, that it is a very difficult issue, yet, we have to figure out a way to make things work.

It is essentially a matter of balance. At one end, the democratic system has be to respected, and the other end the law and the civil rights has to be respected.

If the current system goes in the opposite direction of what it is doing today, it will bring a lot of problems with the migrants.

So a BALANCED view of migration is paramount.

I mean, migrants are people. Sometimes, migrants do not respect the law or our democratic institutions, that is not ok, and consequently the punishment for not respecting these institutions should be severe; remigration. Yet a perfectly lawful citizen, that work within the confines of our laws, should be respected.

This dual approach will make things simmer down, at least, this has been the case in Denmark. The same goes for the US, when things are more under control.

So this is really the core issue.

At the same time, we need to strengthen the nationstates AND the federal level, where it makes sense.

Energy is a political priority that makes sense to support a federal level strengthening, if the EU makes its own energy, it makes the continent much more secure in wartimes.

There is also a political constructional level, we have to think about. The qualities of the nationstate, like the royal houses and other specific national institutions should be secure.

If the EU wants to be accepted, it has to be a success.

So what we should do now, is look a bit for the potential successes.

G-d bless the will to make progress in the EU.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Protecting the weak

So, my debate on the mix that the system of law is doing of politics into the law system seems to have made its way into the American election. Robert F. Kennedy jr. is taking about Snowden, and I guess that Trump is pretty keen on getting the system to respect his candidacy.

I hope that Ms. Harris is also open to a discussion in the health of the public law system.

When the police starts to mix law enforcement and political aims, things unravel. The citizens loose faith in the system and new ideas are hard to present to the public. Because the police are all over the censorship of the new ideas.

If we are ambitious on the health of our humanistic democracies, this has to be turned around.

The citizens should rest in the faith that the police and prosecutors work for the little guy, to protect the weak, not put up barriers for new ideas and serious journalism.

When I got my tv station closed, it was just after I published a documentary on some of the problems we have with people who have their children taken by the system. It is not working, and parents loose their connection to their children, it is heart wrenching.

Instead of supporting this criticism, the government closed the tv station with a lame excuse.

So this is what we journalists have as realities, something I honestly think is a wrong direction of our societies.

Journalism is there to support the weak, and parents that loose their children to an often cynical system, are weak.

To stop this criticism because it made too much fuss, is not in the interest of the citizens, and they are rightfully angry about it.

So maybe some of the humanistic democrats out there will try to support a development, where criticism of the state and bad things in the state is not put down, but supported.

G-d bless the will to protect the weakest of our society.

Categories: Politics Tags:


All right, so there is a new nominee for the liberal camp in the US. Ms. Kamala Harris, she is very good, so let’s see how we may make some kind of manifesto that will make sense in the US.

In the UK Mr. Starmer is working old school Obamanism. It seems to work quite well for him, yet there are some signs, that the under class is not cool about his heavy handed take on migration.

There is a BALANCE between tough migrations rules, and a serious support for civil rights.

In Denmark it works, as well as in the US, because everyone knows, that if you play within the rules, work hard, respect the law, have good and sound families, you are not in trouble.

If you do not respect the law, then you are in trouble.

So, at one side, we have to be realistic about uncontrolled migration, at the other side, we should protect the rights of the citizens of any color and creed, as long as they respect the system.

That is the problem in Leeds, where some kids were taken by the police. It is disrespectful to the people living there and smells of a heavy handed attention to all migrants. It’s a very difficult balance.

Yet if you get that right, people will vote you in. At least this is my experience here in Denmark, where the current PM were popular because of this balance, and was gutted, when she left that balance.

The same goes for the EU, that also need to find a balance somehow. It is much more complicated in the EU, but it is the same basic conflict.

Getting the police to play along is also a challenge, they have no clue as to what is really going on, and are a major problem, because of their immoral and lawless behavior.

That is also something we have to get working.

So, my best advice is, find the rights balances and you will win.

Good luck Kamala ☺️

G-d bless the will to make Change.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Thanks Joe

Joe, I am so so sorry. I wish I have had the energy and focus to support you some more. I feel partially responsible. If I had the focus, maybe I could have pulled you through.

Though to be honest, it is definitely wiser to pull the stops now. To be realistic about your energy is the most responsible.

At the end of the day, it is not your policies that is wrong, it is your energy and ability to take all those fights that are in the political debates and so on.

For whatever it is worth, it has been a pure honor to be your friend. We are still friends, yet to serve you over the years, has just been a delight.

We agree on most issues, and your fight for America, unity, the blue collar worker, the American economy has been really inspiring.

So well done, you have done more than most to support a prosperous and happy United States of America. Your are the best.

G-d bless the United States of America.

Categories: Politics Tags:

The rights of the citizens.

Well, we need to get the police under control. They have been persecuting me, and are obviously busy persecuting people they think are not good for society.

Essentially I have no idea why they are doing this. Political control has no place in a democratic society.

Tyrannies and dictatorships are home for police control of public opinion. Humanistic democracies are home for free speech and let the arguments control the development of society.

My role, as a motivator and architect of new ways to make a political society is THE most important for a democratic society. I do not say this to be better than anyone, but to put in contrast the way the police is harassing me with the critical function I serve.

I doesn’t make any sense to anyone but the police, and it only makes sense to them, because they have very little insight into how our societies work on a political level.

If you put a milkman as responsible to run a real estate agency, what do you get? You get incompetence.

The police is not skilled in the fineries of politics and as a result they ruin the political world with all their hard handed methods of putting people in jail and harassing people they do not like.

So what do we do to stop this absurd nonsense?

We cut their budgets.

If they persecute politicians, journalists, intellectuals, or any other who are working within the frames of law to debate, create new ideas or criticize elements of society that are wrong in any way. As a consequence, their budget should be cut.

My advise would be to start with the cyber departments. These parts move all over the place, and rarely within the framework of the law.

G-d bless the will to make a functioning society where the police do what they are supposed to do, which is to protect the weak.

Categories: Politics Tags:

The ombudsman

I have been on the sharp end of governmental persecution for many, many years. It can be worse, I know a guy who has been in and out of prisons for putting up provocative stickers and another one who have just been sentenced to 1 1/2 year of prison because he put some paint on a painting.

So the treatment I have been dished out is not as bad. I am mostly harassed with economical control. Trying to make my economy suffer as much as possible.

So this is obviously illegal and not a way to treat intellectuals and journalists.

It seems to me, that there is a mellowing coming about, Assange has been freed, and there is an end to the harsh treatment of Trump.

So the question is, how do we hinder these system abuses and illegal operations of the police. Usually it is the police that is behind the abuse.

One of the tools that is in the toolbox is the ombudsman.

That is originally a Danish institution, and it works by protecting the rights of the citizens.

I know that the Danish ombudsman is aware of my predicament, and there may be a process to look into the censorship of my person and some of the projects I have been a part of by the ombudsman.

It is not an all in solution to get rid of the abuse of our demoralized police, but it is one tool, that may stem some of the abuse that is being carried out by the system of law, when it crosses the line of law enforcement and political control.

Political control by the police is illegal, by all parameters, and we need to stop this before it hurts more people.

G-d bless the will to make a serious and much better police that refrains from political control.

Categories: Politics Tags:


All right, so we are kind nearing the end of one crisis, and we need to help at another place to make things work.

My feeling is, that mr. Netanyahu will start the peace process for real next Wednesday. He is addressing the congress in the US, and that kind of news will get him a round of applause.

It has been incredibly tough with all the pressure, and the angst building up, but we are getting through it.

There will be discussion on the pre 7´th of October, yet if it turns out to be a peace deal, that we all can live with, the image of mr. Netanyahu will be not ok, but all in all he will go down in history as the great statesman he truly is.

He is really, really good, and he deserves all the applause we can give him.

This means, that I will be in a position to win the Nobel peace price. We will see, yet it should be given to me.

Anyway, then I have to change focus, and start focusing on the EU.

I have given it a bit of thought as to how we should work on it, and I guess I have an idea, that I will try and get in contact with the commission to lay out, and hear of they are interested in that.

There has to be a pay day for me in it, somehow.

That is just the way it, so we will hopefully be able to develop and kind of new balance between the federal and the national level.

The idea of making that balance, has taken root in the system, so we need to work on a bit more, and do a federal wide discussion with the different players to find the perfect match.

It can be done, and do have some ideas up my sleeve. I have just written a book about the perfect society, to kind of warm me up to the process, yet there is a lot of theoretical discussion I have to have with some of the players of the EU, and national players as well.

Hopefully this will be in tandem with a positive development of Israel, so that we work on the advancement and solidifying of Israel as a state. To be united.

So these are kind of my time plan.

G-d bless the will to do good, act good and have good thoughts.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Finding true love

All right, I know that my endeavors into the realm of love is not exactly high profile politicking, yet it seems to me, that a lot of my readers are really into it.

Love is essentially a subject that never goes out of style. Why worry about AI, when you can worry about the rich and amazing life you can get, if you find someone you REALLY love?

I mean, you would be a fool not to worry about love, love is one the only true qualities in life, that is all just good for us.

Seen from a masculine point of view, what is that we men have to worry about to find someone? Is it only for the rich and beautiful?

I always come back to my mums story, she was lonely for so many years, and then she found Jørgen when she went to wash clothes in the communal laundromat.

She was old and had most all her beauty, Jørgen looked like a cannon ball, all round everywhere. Yet, he was just such a wonderful person. And that is really what it comes down to, how are you as a person. Are you a selfish, self-absorbed person, or are you are giving, strong and positive person.

And are you able to carry your positive lifestyle into a relationship. That is, are you able to keep being that positive, supportive and wonderful person IN the relationship.

We men like to have careers, and conquer the world. So, we also need a woman, that will support our fights.

At a more material level, women are just as obsessed with your looks as we men are. We men see a pair of big boobs, and that fascinates us, dont get me wrong, women are just the same.

I know it from my dancing, women go crazy over a man with six pack, and if he can dance, she goes even more crazy. The looks.

Why is it, that Johnny Depp is so popular. He is a very cool artist, yet what is REALLY cool about that guy, is that he has this amazing style.

The same with Axl Rose, he has style as well, and women go crazy about that.

So, to get closer to a beautiful woman, get stylish, find your own style, exaggerate a little, but not too much.

Women are also crazy about intelligence. That is something that is a little different from men to women. We men CAN live with a girl with big boobs that is not smart. Women can’t live with that. Intelligence is what attracts them the most.

So when you are IN the relation, shower her with your wit and good head. Give her your attention, evolve with her, support her in her own emotional development. Give her of yourself, so that she feels that your relationship is evolving, sound and brings here somewhere.

Women are all into discussing with their friends about men, they super analyze the most minute detail, so you are ALWAYS on display.

What YOU bring into the relationship is ethics.

Women are crazy about a real man, and real men are not those who fight and destroy things haphazardly. Real men are those few individuals who have integrity and are ready to fight for what they believe in.

Like, girls are dreaming about the knight on the white horse, saving them. So is this dream all about the shining armor? Yes to a point, but truly it is about the ethical make up of the knight. His integrity, his fight to make a better world, protect the small guys.

That is the true attraction of women to the knight with the shining armor.

So these are my tips of finding a sprite of a woman, someone you can spend your life with.

It is NEVER too late.

G-d bless the will to find true love.

Categories: Metaphysics Tags:

True artistry

You know, when you make ideas and propose new developments of society, then more often than not, it just falls apart, and you become a failure.

The EU is experiencing this moment right now. Most of the ideas that it is based on, just doesn’t work. I am not saying this to be negative, it is just how politics work.

The open borders, the migration over the borders, the economical politics that has been so far has been a failure. Now the EU is running my ideas economically, the “Bidennomics” that is really my take on economy, that works. It works. It will make the European Union a success, economically.

So, what is really the reason why this is how it is?

It’s because, as in most other endeavors we humans do, there is a fine line between amateurism and professionalism. Yet, the big guys in any kind of field, will be the artists.

The true artist, will take a field, and excel because of a supernatural skill in many fields at once. Take Lady Gaga for instance, she is hard working, essential pretty humble, a dancer, she plays the piano, she looks good, and is an amazing singer. Add to this, she can go into any kind of genre, and just do it. I mean, the ability and skill of going on one day to work with Andrea Bocelli and do opera, the next day she headbangs together with Metallica, not to mention Rolling Stones. She does it, without tooting her horn. That is a true artist.

The same goes with the Barcelona cathedral, that I am a big fan of. Gaudi, just blended engineering with sacred geometry and a radically new architectural expression.

It’s just stunning in its level of skill.

Politics is the same, we are not many true artiest and avant-garde thinkers, because it’s either impossible to do, because if you are avantgarde in politics, the police will try to silence you.

And to be at university to do politics in a truly artistic level is impossible. Maybe it can be done in Oxford or Princeton, but even those schools find it hard to really be roomy enough for true political artistry. There is actually only Vallekilde back, my family Højskole, so that is where I come from, the leading school of the world.

Anyway, maybe this understanding of what is going on, is a cause for acceptance. New ideas are difficult to wrap your heads around when they are introduced, yet when they are realized, they stand in all their glory. Like Elon and all his brilliancy.

That guy is just a good friend and an amazing creator.

G-d bless the will to make a better world, based on true artistry.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Rubicon garage

We are at this pivotal moment in politics. For the last 15 years, I have, more or less, run the show in coming up with new ideas to how we should change politics.

It has come to a point, where everybody is kind of doing my game.

First of all, this is not a “yes I did it!” Moment, it is; maybe, just maybe, are we able to salvage our democracies out of the impeding doom.

Plato says this quite severely and openly. After Democracy gets to its final phase of demoralization, ethical degrading, it turns from Democracy to Tyranny.

THAT is what I have, personally, fought to avoid, that is what we philosophers are supposed to do. It is not a hubris kind of machinational ego driven movement I have been a part of. On the contrary, I have payed a very heavy price for my job getting done.

I like remodeling cars you know. I like the craftsmanship that goes into taking a an old good looking car, and remodeling it to be modern and well working.

That is how I see theories of politics. You take this beautiful, well working yet old car that is rusty in some places, that needs an engine upgrade, needs some work on the fuel injection part of the engine and so. Then after making som bold moves, we get this amazing car, to run at full speed again.

You could call my work the Rubicon garage.

So really I am not a revolutionary in the sense, that I do all things new and shiny. No, I adore the system we have already, and I am trying to make it a little better. Get the creaks out of the system, mend the fenders, where they may be broken.

I truly hope, now when even the guardians of the Democracy, that may have THOUGHT that I was going to break the system, realizes, that this is not about breaking anything, or making it into something that is worse or untested. No, this is a paint and carbon fiber job. It’s a mod, not a new car.

It keeps all the virtues and good things of the old car, and tries to remake the car into something that actually work, and make it a little better.

So, that is really the aim of my work, and I hope, eventually everybody will appreciate it.

G-d bless the will to make our democracies work again.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Plato and love

I think we need to understand the complexity of the gender debate, to truly understand, why and what we are supposed to do in this day and age.

The virtue is equality. Equality is virtue of gender, at least it has been this since Karl Marx deduced it from the platonic lore he read, and some of the descriptions that he read about Sparta, that is the ideal polis (city state) of communism.

Plato was, in some ways (not all) a fan of Sparta, something he got from questioning his world (that was why Socrates was sentenced to death), so he describes his ideal society as inspired by Sparta.

In Sparta, that was a Scandinavian city (descendants of the sea peoples that roamed the Mediterranean some thousand years before Christ), men and women were very equal. This tradition was something that Sparta had kept as a tradition all the way back from their founding.

In many ways, the Spartan society was a Viking society, men and women were not kept for a long time in family structures, and their children went to schools at an early age (that is the ideal behind our welthfare states, they are inspired by the Spartan agoge system.)

Plato was, as always, quite deep in his understanding of this system (Athenians are also descendants of the sea peoples, according to Wilhelm Gronbech), he philosophizes about this equality, and argues, that it creates harmony (the same idea that is behind progressive tax).

This point had really eluded Marx, who have never written about harmony in gender.

Marx was a quack in many ways, he had some good analysis, but his ideas are quite shallow. He does not understand the world he talks about, and he misses a lot of the basic points in the philosophies.

Anyway, equality has the aim of HARMONY. At the same time, Plato has a whole beautiful philosophy about love, so there is really no conflict between platonic love and equality in between men and women. Plato made up both ideas.

G-d bless the will to truly understand the theories behind the gender debate.

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags: