The other alternative to the republican model is the Danish model, a “folk thing”.
It is inspired by the ancient thinge of the Vikings.
Here there is only one chamber, the “folketing”. This is much simpler, but requires a lot of homogeneity to work.
It can carry some elements of Viking culture, like the “law stone” where you can swear on, and thereby make a holy oath. This system carries a lot of honor in it.
If you choose this system, you will end up with many parties, like in the Knesset, the Knesset is inspired by the Danish Folketing.
The republican system is a two party system.
There are a lot of mechanics to this system as well.
G-d bless the will to set the Palestinian Arab free.
Ok, concerning the negotiations that the Arab states are conducting. The main issue is the power distribution. Who and how will the power be distributed.
The power of physical violence is with the police. They are the only one who are allowed to use physical force. This means, that an uncorrupted and strictly national police force is paramount to construct. This means schools, proper procedure, transparency, good leadership.
Add to this, the judicial system should be defined by a proper system as well.
An idea is to make the judges chosen by the president, as in the US.
Judges are, traditionally, a conservative force. So good, honest, wise men are preferable.
Concerning the parliament. There is the theory of corruption of the state by too much liberty.
That is why it is made in three parts. Public part, ruled by the people. The upper house, ruled by the aristocracy and the president who are, traditionally, a king.
You may have a king, but then make sure, he is wise and good.
All this has to be implemented and overseen. I will help, but we also need a corps made up by someone who knows how these system are supposed to work.
Doing the first elections as the system is made.
G-d bless the will to make a good system for the Gazan Arab. May we find peace.
So on the issues we are grappling with is, where is g-d?
G-d is here, he speaks through his prophets. Me, other people of faith with a direct connection to g-d.
Like my strange conversations. I get these vivid dreams, that has profound messages. Like the dream that was related to our friends in the Arab countries. I was, unequivocally, warned about the danger of Israel being without them.
There has been another instance, where we were just at the rim of the abyss.
Prophecies are often dire and may go across political ideas and preferences. But if it comes from the spirits of g-d. The angels, we need to heed them.
I warned against going into Gaza. But since I have been heard again, we have become victorious. The shift from Gaza to Hezbollah was the turning point.
Now we have Trump to help us, even better.
So it is about LISTENING, to the voice of g-d. I am one who he communicates to all the time, there are many others.
Israel will survive this trial, and we will put a new path ahead of us.
As I am strengthened, I will be able to come to Israel. Then we will try and rebuild the trust and the image of Israel.
First we need to finish the war. After that comes rebuilding.
I cry as much as everybody else for the horrid conditions the hostages are telling about. Yet they came back.
G-d bless the will for Israel to prevail and be the light upon the Nations.
This is a shout out to the Israelis who read the blog.
I know, that I go against the mainstream understanding concerning the sociopolitical frame around Gaza after the war.
It was my idea everyone actually now supports.
Please understand, that this is a necessary compromise, to adhere to our Arab potential allies.
We have to be a player, that plays the game, if we want to survive in the long run. This means listening to our potential friends. We were getting dangerously close to their red line, and crossing that is loosing a lot of political support.
We HAVE to have friends around us to survive, that is the long game. Being accepted and supported.
I have just heard the speech by Mr. J.D. Vance at the Munich conference. That was a beacon of a speech.
All the suppressed truth brought right out in the open. The obvious persecution of journalists to try and bring the truth forth. The scandalous way that we are running our democracies.
Well done Mr. Vance, every word true, and REALLY ballsy to do.
I will probably receive a deluge of bills and so on, just for writing this, which essentially underlines your point.
Well done, standing up for Democracy.
G-d bless the will to push the truth in this world, as it is the light upon the world.
All rights, so let’s see if we can analyze the current situation and see if we can figure out a way to solve the problems.
There are two solutions; mine/Trumps, the two state solution.
The aim is peace between Israel and Gaza.
Since Hamas are proxies to Iran, there will never be peace with Hamas until there is peace with Iran. This means, that Hamas is more a symptom of the conflict than the conflict itself.
We need to be realistic about that.
Therefore, keeping a high level security system running over Gaza is a prerogative.
I have no doubt, that the two state solution will make the issues simmer down, yet it will not solve the real conflict, that is the regional competition between the Arab States and the Persian proxies.
Therefore, the two state solution should be seen as a way to respect the citizens of Gaza, not a solution to solve the whole regional power struggle.
We will end up in a power vacuum after the ceasefire is implemented, and some kind of idea as to what we should do is a good idea.
My proposal is to take the elements of the two state solution that the Knesset can agree about and start them.
Having elections and a parliament is good for Israeli security, because it dampens the animosity, and serves to give the Palestinian Arabs freedom.
Yet, it has to be a unanimous decision by the Knesset. So there is that.
The alternative is rule by the strong, which is, for now, Hamas.
We NEED the alliance with the Arab states in a fair shot at being accepted in the Middle East. So we need to listen to their arguments and opinion.
It’s a political, pragmatic solution that will give us issues in the future, but we are in dire need to rebuild, get the hostages home, and survive as a state.
G-d bless the will to make Israel the peace maker, may we prevail. And G-d bless the United States of America, thank you for your support.
Ok, just to support the interview with Gadi with a written strategic analysis. Here comes a wider understanding of the strategic lay out of the Middle East.
We have two axis. One is the Russian/Iranian axis. The other is the American/Arab axis.
We have been in opposition to the Iranian axis (not Russia under Mr. Putin). And we have, through the hard work of the US, slowly been accepted by the Arabs.
However, the Gazan war has alienated the Arabs.
As we speak, we have a strong American support, but we have to solidify OURSELVES. We off cause appreciate the American support, yet we have to stand on our own legs.
We never know, one day there will perhaps be a president in the White House that will be less supportive of Israel. As the US is swinging back and forth the possibility is there. I am doing all I can to support the US, so we are actually giving back. But we have to be prepared for a change in sentiment in the US.
This we do by fostering good relationships with our Arab neighbors.
But what they want is peace, stability and progress. They don’t want an endless war in the middle of the Middle East.
We CAN serve the Arab wish AND get our brothers and sisters back from Hamas with the peace process as it is now.
It will give us the needed breathing room to stabilize Israel and build good relations to our Arab neighbors.
We NEED that, to be a constructive and accepted part of the Middle East.
The problem is, that it may end up giving Hamas breathing room to rearm.
This is where the different solutions to the Gaza fight is really possible.
However, we are as much at our basic line as we can possibly be.
I know Smotrich really took my plan to heart. But we should not risk the very existence of Israel on a plan we have no idea where will truly end.
So this is why i recommend that we do not take an unnecessary risk, while we are almost in the end with a working hostage/prisoner exchange.
G-d bless the will to do what is realistic and will ensure the future of Israel. May we prevail.
I think the new talk with Mr. Putin shows a lot of promise. The Ukraine war is, with all its investment just a killing field. The objectives are unclear at the best, and the effect on international politics is devastating.
If we can land a deal with Mr. Putin, by all means. That is a good thing.
Well done Mr. Trump.
G-d bless the will to find peace in the Russian/Ukraine war. May we prevail.
All right, so I have not really commented on the current development concerning Gaza. I wanted to wait, to publish the first interview on the blog. It’s an interview with mr. Gadi Baltiansky. Spokesman for the Geneva Accord. An organization that promotes the Two state solution.
I came up with the Trump plan, so it’s a way to compare the two plans.
And let me be clear. I made the plan, but as of now, due to the development that happened in the meantime, I think we should continue the negotiations as they are. The two state solution, is an option.
I am really worried about the outcome of a massive reinitiation of the war. It could potentially put the very existence of Israel at peril.
So, I hope, that the negotiations will bear fruit, and we reach some kind of positive path.
All right, this is an analysis of the current political, international situation, seen from the perspective of the American administration.
First of all, really well done. A host of targets have been met.
1. Europe is finally starting to pull its weight in terms of military expenditure.
2. The peace in the Gazan/Israeli war is at hand. A few corrections, and we have that in our bag.
3. The correction of migration is at hand, as I understand it, it’s both sides of the aisle, that is behind it?
Still there is the war in Ukraine, and the challenge of China we have to think about.
I actually agree with you concerning Ukraine. It’s a horrible war, fueled by economic interests, to some extent. Young people are dying.
I would try to initiate the conversation with Mr. Putin again, this time with a lot of respect. Russians are cowboys, you don’t push them around.
Build on your current relation with Mr. Putin, and see if you can make a serious deal. You can, you just have to treat him like a business partner and make a good deal.
China, yeah. There is another can of worms. We will see where it goes. Definitely a clear focus from our side.
G-d bless the American way. May we prevail. Well done Donald, pretty impressive sprint out of the gate. 👍
I have taken the initiative to discuss Gaza, I have invited an Israeli defender of the two state solution for a chat. Also I have invited one that is for the repatriation plan for a chat. Hopefully this will enlighten and process the debate, so that we have a deeper understanding of the two solutions in opposition.
I believe, that an enlightened debate on these issues will make the whole situation and the choices we have to make more clear. Two really experienced and strong people, one for each side.
Another debate that I will make, is the debate on unity.
We HAVE to be realistic about the current system. A few years of politics in the wrong direction, we get a massive political as well as physical backlash.
How do we make sure, that we, as a people, stay united.
Hopefully this debate will make us realistic about our state and how to run it.
We have come through this crisis, but with a tarnished image, as well as lost an enormous amount of political capital.
We have to rebuild that political capital, and that will take time.
Winning small battles here and there, as helping the Syrians to make a solid state, is a way. But the whole internal political process, the military readiness, the international support and so on, has to be debated.
It’s something we need to talk about in the “day after” scenario that comes after the end of the war.
We have a solid support in Trump, but we still need to change the narrative and get back into a positive relationship with the rest of the world.
How do we do that? So I will reach out to leading opinionaters and raise the debate. For all of Israel.
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