The good solutions

October 22nd, 2024 No comments

I have made a lot of inventions within the field of politics; the fight against Isis, the economical ideas that is behind the resurgence of the US and the EU, the ideas behind Green Change and many more.

One of the main realizations I believe we have to attach to these ideas are, that they rest on a thorough knowledge of political philosophy.

That is one thing, the other thing is; essentially I am a humanist.

I am also a firm believer in spirituality and G-d and a sound polis. Yet beneath all the ideas lie a heart that actually beats for the dispossessed and the weak. I work to make a better society for those who have the littlest.

So, with all the prejudices I have myself, and the honesty that lie in the understanding, that my view is just one out of many. I hope, that what I do, leads to a better world, where happiness is in abundance.

I know that the areas I have delved in are often full of conflict and war. Yet, I also hope that people acknowledge, that my motives are always to find good solutions to the problems we face, that leads to a better world.

G-d bless the will to find humane solutions to difficult problems.

Categories: Politics Tags:

E fuels

October 22nd, 2024 No comments

If the European Union is to get to a point where it is independent of all fossil fuel. It needs to invest in the production of renewable energy sources and it needs to feed into the production process itself.

As I have philosophized earlier, this has to go hand in hand with a keen eye on the nature where these production systems are.

Yet, making electricity out of solar cells and wind mills is now as cheap as making it with fossil fuels. The fact of the matter however is, that it has to be cheaper, because the conversion of the energy is not, as is, very efficient. So we loose a lot of energy when we convert electricity to hydrogen and then hydrogen to e fuels.

Theoretically it could be a one to one conversion rate, but it will require lot of research and development to get to that point, where the equation is more to the good side of e fuels than fossil fuels.

It will take time, but when the system is up and running, each improvement will make the system cheaper. Making Europe a major nett exporter of fuels.

G-d bless the will to make efficient, green solutions to our energy needs.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Why are we winning?

October 22nd, 2024 No comments

Ok, so why are we winning right now?

It is because, that we have changed focus from Gaza to Lebanon and Hezbollah.

Where as Hamas is really dug in in the tunnels, Hezbollah is much more out in the open. Add to this, the preparation at fighting Hezbollah has been much more thorough than the fight against Hamas, viz. the pager op.

So, this means, that the terrain is really the most important issue in this war. If we fight in a difficult terrain only, we will be put in a difficult position.

The wins in the Lebanon theater has demoralized Hamas, and that is why we are winning.

G-d bless the will to be realistic and strategic in this war. G-d bless the peace we have found, through using strategic measures to our advantage.

Categories: Politics Tags:


October 22nd, 2024 No comments

This night, I had this vision. I dreamt, that I fought evil with a Christian cross.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for both rev. Justin Wilby as well as his eminence Francis I.

Yet I am a Jew, so it kind of made me wonder why I acted as a Christian.

The vision was very strong, and that usually comes with a possible great upheaval somewhere.

Then it struck me, if a am no longer a Jew, then it must mean, that I am either kicked out of the Jewish community, which I do not see in the coming future. Or it is because Israel will cease to exist, and I then loose my connection to the Jewish community. The last option seems to be, that I just stop being important to Jews.

Now, all of these options are on the table, in order for this prophecy to come to pass. I get kicked out, Israel looses the war, or I stop being important to Jews.

If we look at the last option, this does not make much sense either. I have been an advocate for Jewish unity, and have a strong voice within the Judaic world.

So, I guess the most probably option is, that we are going to loose the war.

With this in mind, let’s have a look at the strategic lay out.

We have strong backing from the US at the moment. This allows us to attack Iran.

We are loosing the support from Saudi Arabia though, that is getting more and more annoyed with us, and is starting to make demands.

What will happen if we get Trump in the White House, after the election. The result will be a president who is very weak internationally. He is extremely strong domestically, but he has very little pull on the American allies. He is good friends with the Saudis, but he is not a good friend with the Europeans.

So over all, the support will be less efficient.

If Kamala gets to be president, we don’t really know where she will go, but my feeling is, that she is less pro Israel than Joe Biden.

All in all, we will have less support from our allies.

This means, that we can have a situation, where all the Arabs are leaving us as allies and potential allies, and if that happens, with a weakened American leadership. Things can deteriorate VERY quickly. So far, I have been able to protect Israel, through my own support in the Arab world. They like me, and as long as I am here. There is at least one pro Israel voice, that the Arab like.

However if I bug out, then Israel will end up pretty much all alone.

You can have all the skill in the world, if the numbers are against you, you will loose. Like the Germans at the battle of Stalingrad. They lost because they had too little fighters.

Anyway, we are looking at a much weakened strategic situation, and that is really of great concern.

My best advise is therefore this; lock down the wins we have, while we can still control the situation. As soon as the attack on Iran is over, do your best to stop the war, and make sure, that we are ready for any outcome of the American election.

We are winning the battles, but the war is still hanging in a fine thread. We can loose our country, if we do not play the game to the best of our ability.

Right now, we need to hunker down, solidify our position, and be ready for the outcome of the election.

This means, that we need to listen to the Arabs, and keep them on our side.

G-d bless the will to win this war, with the least amount of casualties. Let there be peace.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Happy birthday Benyamin

October 21st, 2024 No comments

Happy birthday Benyamin. We go long way back, and I have defended you whatever you did, and tried to be that friend that you have always needed, to tell you, with respect, the truth.

When we have been doing things for so long, you get to know each other. People may say all kinds of things about you. But I know, that you are a kind and strong person.

You have had to deal with so much lately, and despite your sickness, you have just pulled through.

As a sacrifice to Israel. I see that, and that is why I have always supported you, in the darkest hours and the most elated moments, I will have your six.

G-d bless the will to make Israel safe, may we all prevail.

Categories: Metaphysics, Politics Tags:

Rights and laws

October 21st, 2024 No comments

In order for the current commission to work. We have to focus on the migration issue.

These are some of my reflections on that VERY difficult issue.

First of all, we have to make sure, that the methods we apply are humane as possible. We are not going to do things like take children from the parents or such a thing. It has to be humane.

My first idea was to make a string of camps in Africa, I don’t know where we are with this process. Is it still in motion?

Then there are the ethical discussion on the how and what.

We do this to protect our democracies.

If we have people in our countries who do not support or respect our democracies. Then we are in trouble.

This means, that people who do not respect our laws, or as in the case of ISIS actively seek to destroy our democracies. The state and thereby the police must take action. We have to have situation, where our laws are respected.

I also think that situations where gays and other minorities are threatened, we should also react.

This is harsh, yet for the victim, the laid back attitude is far worse.

We have to give the citizens of Europe justice and law.

The applied methods are then up for discussion. How do we make sure, that the law is respected everywhere?

G-d bless the will to make law and justice protect the weak, as it is supposed to do.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Happy birthday Ms. Harris

October 21st, 2024 No comments

Happy birthday Ms. Harris.

Kamala, this is your birthday, and it is a day of celebration and happy thoughts.

I for one, REALLY admire your dedication to the American people, you are actually a democratic person from inside out.

Kamala, show people that passion. I know that the media machine is a beast, yet a true passion for the people, will always be liked and appreciated.

Find your fire Kamala, go out there, show them what you’re made of!

G-d bless the will to make American Democracy the best!

Categories: Politics Tags:

Green change

October 21st, 2024 No comments

All right, I have done my best to get on with my work with the European Union. There are, essentially two projects. One is the green energy project.

This can be developed, if I get funding for my small tv station. We still need to inspire and converse with both the scientist as well as the people of Denmark.

There are some VERY important borders to consider. We HAVE to be careful that the energy plants we make does not interfere with the beauty of nature.

There are places we can make energy that does not scar the nature.

Both climate projects are important; to care for our nature, and ALSO care for our nature by making fossils free fuels.

Both projects are about making a nature that is more healthy and sustainable.

And we have to get on with the migration discussion. It seems to me, that we have come some way. Yet, we still have to find a finished deal, that both right as well as left can live with.

G-d bless the will to make a better world. Where nature is in balance, and we do thing to be honest and fair to all involved. May we find a better world.

Categories: Politics Tags:


October 19th, 2024 No comments

When you fight someone, there is a great risk, that either you or the one you fight gets hurt.

In a situation like that, the most humanely normal is to paint your enemy like a monster.

The truth is, rarely this is the truth. Don’t get me wrong, there are actually evil men and organizations. People who have no problem torturing small children and then call it a day.

But MOST people are just like everybody else; trying to get by in a world that is confusing and chaotic.

The issue is, that when we fight those implied monsters, we more often than not become like those monsters. Those who have fought nazists become nazists themselves. Those who fought Jews, become what they think is how Jews are.

Mr. Sinwar was a boogeyman for the Jews, destroying him is like killing a monster. Yet do we really KNOW that he is a monster?

He organized the 7 October, that led to the most horrific catastrophe after the Holocaust.

But was he a monster? And if we see monsters everywhere, then what are we?

My point is, that off cause we have to fight and defend ourselves. We have to keep Israel safe. Yet demonizing and vilifying our enemies degrade OURSELVES. If you live in a world of monsters, a chance is, that you eventually become one.

I could have pushed back much more on my own enemies. That being the secret service of Denmark and the foreign minister.

But the fact of the matter is, that each time I loose my temper and call for destruction, some part of the world ends up in flames and destruction. And then the suffering that makes is a part of what I bear on my conscience.

Keeping your soul intact is almost impossible, because of the heinous acts you are often forced to commit.

So, this is actually worth a thought as we get to the endgame of this conflict; did we get through it without loosing our faith in human beings. Despite the betrayal along the way, the manipulation, the forces that wanted us to shut up and so on. Did we really do what we could to be as conscientious as possible.

These ethical questing are all part of any war, yet we have to face them some time.

G-d bless the will to be honest about these wars and keep our peace.

Categories: Politics Tags:


October 19th, 2024 No comments

Ok, this is a message for the Palestinian Arab. I get it, the fight is almost over, and there still seems to be no solution at hand.

Add to this, I also I get it. Seen from a Palestinian Arab perspective, Sinwar was a tough fighter, that carried a lot.

When people like that die, even from the other perspective we can honor a fallen.

When Saladin threw the crusaders out of the Middle East, we recognized his greatness, even though getting booted out of the holy land was a great loss to the West.

So what now.

Again just to repeat, the sooner you make some kind of an arrangement, the better the arrangement will be. Israel is winning, and as each day goes, the victory is getting more and more solidified.

I for one, am not interested in people suffering or throwing away their lives for no end.

So, as things stand, there is no reason to draw out the conflict anymore. Just get the best negotiator you have, and carve out a deal.

Things will probably not be over until after the American election. But a sincere negotiation can make the fighting less severe, and it will most likely end anyway, so throwing lives after the conflict now, seems to be a waste.

G-d bless the peace we will eventually find between Arab and Jew.

Categories: Politics Tags:


October 19th, 2024 No comments

I get a lot of people who want to offer me jobs, all over the world.

You know, I really appreciate it, and I see how these offers are sincere and an attempt at supporting me.

The thing is, I have two children here in Denmark, and they can’t just move with me. So I am kind of tied to Aalborg, even though that in itself is quite difficult more often than not.

What I however CAN do, it to make speeches about different subjects. Take the discussion on the new balance we try to find between the national perspective and the federal perspective in the EU.

Inviting me as a speaker to a convent, paying me for what I am worth, is a good way of focusing on the issue.

I get to discuss the issue with other people who are really interested the issue, and I still get to stay here in Aalborg.

I mean I have so many readers and I am trying to cover all the different subjects, and I really like to be able to support all those who use my philosophy.

G-d bless the will to keep attention on all who really needs it, to make a better world.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Keeping Israel safe

October 19th, 2024 No comments

So the end of the war is in sight. Sinwar being shot is a major obstacle for an end to the war, and yet he is a piece of the puzzle not the whole board.

What I recommend doing going forward is to keep our heads cool.

There are multiple elements to consider; the American election, the threat of nuclear retaliation of Iran, the Arab promise.

All these elements have to be considered carefully for a way forward.

The goal is; keep Israel safe, so anything that serves that goal is good.

It is a line dance we have to do, and we are almost there.

G-d bless the will to be honest in action and save Israel for future generations. May we all prevail.

Categories: Politics Tags:


October 17th, 2024 No comments

I have been pondering, why things seem to be stagnant in terms of progress in the American election.

We really tried to talk joy and the American dream up. Yet people seem to think it is a kind of a shallow angle on a complex issue.

Real joy and positive progress seems to be things people have tried to envision, yet are unable to get to.

Maybe it is because we need some steps in between.

One of the issues that was built under the Obama administration was Obama care.

The virtue behind that is solidarity. That we help each other, especially the sick.

So, this at least is something we can achieve. Through solidarity we can make the American society better.

G-d bless the will to make a better United States of America.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Keep Israel safe

October 17th, 2024 No comments

Ok, my feeling is, that things are actually, kind of, moving in the right direction. The current discussion on the UN is progressive in the sense, that we defend ourselves with reason, and the bad sides of the UN is projected forth. This will give us a DIPLOMATIC victory. Something that is much more valuable than just a single attack on an outpost. We are playing the game from the right angle.

Getting Saudi Arabia as an ally is a HUGE win. Why? Because of the sheer power the ancient Arab kingdom wields. It is the spiritual home of the Muslim, having an alliance with the Al Sauds is there for vital to the long term acceptance of Israel.

Add to this a spiritual development of the Arabs and the Jews to make bridges. This is also a huge win for world peace and the acceptance of Israel.

Not to mention that I get to populate the arid desert with trees and crops for the betterment of humanity.

So things are moving in the right direction. It’s all the cogs and wheels we are oiling now, in the future new generations will reap the benefits of these actions.

This is the right way, and will make Israel secure and safe for future generations of Jews. We get to have as a safe haven, when the persecution iniates.

Israel is the safe haven for Jews, a place for us to be secure. That is what we need to focus on.

G-d bless the will to make Israel safe for all Israelis and Jews.

Categories: Politics Tags:

Final push

October 17th, 2024 No comments

Guys, you need to push. There are only three weeks left, every ounce of energy counts right now, it is all hands on deck!

G-d bless the final push in the American election.

Categories: Politics Tags: