Thanks Elon

All right, I just need to get this straight in my head. Mr. Elon Musk is, effectively, connecting the positive relationship between the US and Europe on me, and my movement?

So in other words, if we get more heat, it will make the US draw away from Europe. Seriously!

Elon, I know we have been brothers in arms for some time, I really helped you when you were in trouble after you bought Twitter. But the ENTIRE relationship if the PET keeps beating me and my friends up.

That is just, hands down, amazing. In the situation I am in with the heat I get from the PET, that is just amazing. Thanks so much man, that was just pay back beyond expectations. Thanks. Hopefully this can be the final straw that will break the camels back.

G-d bless the friendship that actually matters. I appreciate it. Thanks. 🙏

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