Border control

August 3rd, 2024

These days border disputes are really at the heart of the political discourse.

In the UK, things are pretty much spinning out of control.

I have been trying to figure out at solution to this problem for many years.

As in any discussion it is about finding the balance.

A balance between accepting migrants and refugees who are law abiding and good citizens and refusing to accept any criminal behavior that is done by migrants.

It goes into the discussion with Islam again. Islamism in the Islamic state version is not accepted within the democratic state. Yet the progressive Muslims of UAE and many other countries of the world is totally ok.

The Arabs of the Arab peninsula have these dreams of making the desert into a forest, easing the edge of the harsh nature.

I really support that idea and project. In fact, I have engaged a lot of my friends here in Denmark that work with reforestation, to that exact aim and presented it to the Zayed environmental prize committee. It can be done.

So the world is not black and white, it has a lot of nuance. It is through seeing those nuances, that we progress as human beings.

Just blaming one side, does not accomplish anything.

Fighting against Islamic state is for everyone.

Yet planting trees in the desert is a truly noble quest as well.

G-d bless the will to see nuances in the world politics, and may we find peace.

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