The European Union is discussing with itself these days how to make a positive impact on the Israel/Gaza war.
First of all, what is the interest of the European Union? That is self evident if you think about it. That is calm and quit.
The conflicts that are in the Middle East are spreading all over the globe and can make things go into a violent gear, fast.
So, this makes it quite easy to see what we want. We want peace.
The same is the true goal of the American administration that is thoroughly involved in the process and has been adamant in making peace.
What is the war really?
It is a reflection of the power play that is in the Middle East.
There are two factions opposing each other. The Russian through Iran and Hamas, plus the Houthis and Hezbollah.
And the Americans through Israel and the Arab nations.
Essentially we are seeing two versions of Islam on each side. Except for the fact that Hamas is Sunni, and that is their Achilles heal. Actually Hamas is closer to the Arabs that the Iranian.
On each side there is propaganda. On the side of Hamas there is the literal projection of the suffering. On Israel the same.
Most of it is real, yet it is used to garner support.
So to keep a clear head and support the peace process, one needs to be neutral and work for the reconciliation.
If the EU work for the peace, it has the potential to take over the role of the UN, that has failed in this endeavor and has fallen for the propaganda.
I am a Jew, and the pain and suffering the families of the hostages feel is like something i wake up in the night to be worried about.
At the same time, I do also recognize the pain on the other side. Milling about up and down Gaza, is painful especially if you have children.
So that is the empathic understanding of the war. To have your wife or child captive in Gaza is a nightmare, we need to sympathize with that. Yet living the ruins of Gaza is also not humane.
Humanism is about seeing things for what they are, truthfully with empathy.
G-d bless the will to find peace in this war that has been going on for too long.