The compromise

September 13th, 2024

How do we find some kind of practical compromise between the left and the right in the EU?

Well, it seems to me, that both Germany, Denmark and many other countries, have used my ideas, and are using them.

My idea is, that in order for a migrant to be a part of our democratic societies, he or she has to respect the law, be a part of the democratic system and renounce other ideas of other statehoods.

This was the whole idea behind the fight against ISIS, that was the POLITICAL expression of radical Islam.

Everybody fought ISIS even Iran.

Yet if you come to Europe, these are the limits. No ISIS.

If you are into ISIS or the like, you are repatriated.

It is a tough stance, yet the alternative is race wars as we have seen other places.

A controlled process, done by the state, is the answer.

This makes it possible for migrants that are law-abiding and peaceful to live a great life with progress and everything.

In other words it is cutting the Gordian knot.

I based this on the book “the Nichomaceian Ethics” that is the main description of a democracy by Aristotle. In fact Aristotle is much more tight than my ideas. So it is based on Democracy as a theoretical base.

This is a compromise. That we can live with.

So, if the EU work on this, in tandem with the right, there is a bridge to stand on.

G-d bless the will to make the European Union flourish and be sound.

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