
September 29th, 2024

According to Danish philosopher K.E. Løgstrup, the philosopher behind Niels Bohr and his fight for an open world, 80% of all conflicts are misunderstandings.

He was a leading figure in the Danish resistance against the Nazi occupation. So he had a lot of experience with war and peace.

This dynamic is really what drives the calm we are feeling is coming.

There seems to be no more increase in hostilities.

Iran is mourning its hero Mr. Nasrallah.

I know that from an Israeli perspective, Nasrallah was a terrorist. Yet from the Iranian perspective, he was a hero.

One man can be both for different sides.

Villain or hero.

What we have come to understand is, that we Jews are good people. We are paranoid and arrogant. Yet, we have a lot of positive aspirations in our vision. Essentially Israel is there to help and be a moral beacon. That is the aim of Zionism. The light upon the nations as prophesied by Isaiah when the last Israel fell.

At the other side, actually both Hamas and Iran are fighting for G-d and his angels.

It is this realization, that the person you saw as EVIL, is not evil.

He may be very different and see thing from a corner you have not been in for a long time.

Yet the basic ideas of the world are the same. To make a world where people are happy, honest and true.

Both at one side and the other.

Now that we have come to realize this, the war is baseless, that is the true motivation for a lessening in tension.

G-d bless the will the make peace, and may we all prevail. Let there be prosperity and joy instead of suffering and despair. Let there be brotherhood instead of division. Let there be honesty instead of lies. May we have peace.

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