The best neighbor

October 2nd, 2024

Okay, what is it that is happening right now, and how does it reflect on Jewish understanding and identity?

We ar the arch rebels. We have been living, essentially, underground for three thousand years.

That is world class intelligence, a world spanning network, and some VERY capable secret fighters.

We are the best at this.

We have toppled many empires, just by our keen intelligence and skill.

But, there has come a Change in this, and that is the fact, that we are not underground anymore, we have a country. A smallish country with very little natural ressources. But a country nonetheless, that we call our own. It is ours to keep.

This really changes the dynamic of what it is to be a Jew. Before we had the freedom to do just whatever we wanted. Now we are limited by our neighbors, because we want to keep our country.

So we are dependent on alliances, and friendships around us.

In a way you could say, that it forces us to mature as a people. Being rebels is for young people.

Being responsible, diplomatic and have an eye for what our actions have for future generations, is what parents do. They seek to make the best possible frame around their children, making sure, that their children have a shot at making a good life.

This again bends the parents to do all kinds of things, that the parent inherently does not really want to do. Like me, I work as a caretaker, do nightshifts. For very little money. I do it, to put a roof over my head and the kids.

It’s not always the most happy situation, but I have to do it.

The same goes with having a country. When you are responsible for a country, you have to do alliances, and bend your will to those neighbour around you. Seek alliances and make things work.

If you are the annoying neighbor that plays music three o clock in the night, chances are, that your neighbors get pretty annoyed with you in the long run. You have to try and be a good neighbor.

This is what Isaiah is talking about. Being the light upon the nations, is being that exemplary neighbor. Always helpful, always graceful, always a nice neighbor.

Someone that people on the street will say; “you know, down in the starshaped house, they are just such a nice couple. Their kids are well behaved, they have steady jobs, they are a supporter of the street, takes care of those who have little. What a great little household they have there”.

Coming from a rebel perspective, to be that exemplary neighbor is very difficult.

That is why Isaiah was so direct in his prophesy, it’s not easy, but it is the best advice we could ever get.

G-d bless the will to make Israel a good neighbor, and the best on the street, by being helpful, supportive and having the best manners.

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