
October 6th, 2024

Concerning the discussion on metaphysics, that is the science of G-d, I believe, that there is a lot of interchanging, that can be good for both faith and science.

Being a renaissance philosopher, I have been doing a lot of exploring in the ancient philosophic ideas, that are the basis of both physics as well as metaphysics.

One of the main philosophers, that I have really studied a lot, is the philosopher Anaxagoras, that is the founder of nuclear physics.

He was one of the teachers of Plato. Socrates is much more famous than Anaxagoras, yet Anaxagoras had a bit of the same fate as Socrates, he was jailed for his ideas, that were really groundbreaking. I mean, making up nuclear physics, is pretty groundbreaking.

Anaxagoras actually ALSO had a theory about the genesis of the universe, that I have tried to talk with mr. Holger Beck Larsen about (Mr. Larsen is one of the main theorists behind the Big Bang theories). The theory is, according to Anaxagoras, that in the beginning we had just one big lump of matter, Anaxagoras calls it Sympan.

At a given time, things started to move. But not as Holger says, that is in an explosion everywhere, but with the introduction of CENTRIFUGAL power in the Sympan.

This is a much more rational explanation than Holgers, so it could be what we would call “lost knowledge”.

To me, it makes sense, that it is the interchangement of centrifugal power in combination with mass attraction (gravity) that hold everthing in a balance.

Take the moon as an example, centrifugal power is the power the pulls the moon away from the earth, gravity is the power that pulls it back, keeping the moon in an eternal circle motion.

It is actually a strange thing of the earth that we have such a large body of mass trapped in orbit around us.

It can potentially explain some of the movements on the nuclear level as well. All matter revolves around itself. The periodic system and thereby the basic elements are defined by the amount of elements that revolve around a core.

So, this may be a competing theory to the current genesis theories that Holger made.

He doesn’t seem so interested in the ideas, more the political ideas that I have try to define. But, maybe there are other physicist that will jump on the ideas. Challenging the status quo is always a good thing.

G-d bless the will to explain the universe in more truth and understanding.

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