
October 11th, 2024

Concerning the situation in Gaza/Israel how do we make a process that actually gets us of the negative situation we are in.

Human nature is quite simple. It is fight or flight. Either you fight, or you run away.

Striking fear into your enemies is a way to trigger the inner physical reaction; to run away.

If you are not conscious about this physical way we people are built, then you are set on the path of revenge.

It can go on forever. An eye for an eye will leave all of humanity blind, as the saying goes.

So how do you get out of this negative process?

You do it, by putting up a positive goal, and strive for that.

A positive goal is called a virtue. Justice, enlightenment, courage, wisdom, love, solidarity, equality, brotherhood, friendship.

You put up these positive goals, and then you STRIVE for them.

Striving combined with prayer, is the strongest motor you can have in your life.

If you work out, and most people do, that a good life is with family and friends, in a small house you can afford, with a job that you find full of meaning, and you strive for that. Chances are, that you will reach that goal, or at least find that you are at a positive path.

This brings hope, and hope is the best motivation.

G-d bless the will to make the world find a constructive and positive path unto peace and prosperity for us all.

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