Keep Israel safe

October 17th, 2024

Ok, my feeling is, that things are actually, kind of, moving in the right direction. The current discussion on the UN is progressive in the sense, that we defend ourselves with reason, and the bad sides of the UN is projected forth. This will give us a DIPLOMATIC victory. Something that is much more valuable than just a single attack on an outpost. We are playing the game from the right angle.

Getting Saudi Arabia as an ally is a HUGE win. Why? Because of the sheer power the ancient Arab kingdom wields. It is the spiritual home of the Muslim, having an alliance with the Al Sauds is there for vital to the long term acceptance of Israel.

Add to this a spiritual development of the Arabs and the Jews to make bridges. This is also a huge win for world peace and the acceptance of Israel.

Not to mention that I get to populate the arid desert with trees and crops for the betterment of humanity.

So things are moving in the right direction. It’s all the cogs and wheels we are oiling now, in the future new generations will reap the benefits of these actions.

This is the right way, and will make Israel secure and safe for future generations of Jews. We get to have as a safe haven, when the persecution iniates.

Israel is the safe haven for Jews, a place for us to be secure. That is what we need to focus on.

G-d bless the will to make Israel safe for all Israelis and Jews.

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