A renaissance of the European Union

November 13th, 2024

All right, it has come to a difficult junction in the future of the European Union.

Things are REALLY looking bleak. The American new leadership will, probably, not support a staunch alliance with the EU.

I get it, the EU needs progress and development to reach some kind of fruition and realization.

So, we need to work on that.

We can’t really wait any longer. I just have to find a publisher to publish my nature manifesto and we will have to get the work on a renaissance constitution moving as well.

But we are really in a hurry.

I just need to get my bearings, focus and get to work.

And then, please, as we get a little further in the process. There is no way other and funding these endeavors.

We are up against time, and a lot of other things. Giving me full ability to work, would seriously be a very good move. Thanks 🙏

G-d bless the will to make a renaissance constitution of the European Union and may we all prosper.

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