
All right this is my reflection on the discussion on a possible sharia governed law state.

The obvious problem being, that sharia is Arab and Muslim. So it will, in effect make a state for only the Muslims. It will not work, it will make the country splinter into seperate areas.

So, that is Syria done.

However there is a kind of a workaround on the true subject of having a conservative institution that makes sure, that the state is cleansed of corruption. Because that is truly the aim of a sharia state, a state that is pure in terms of ethics.

It is to make an ephor institution. That is, an institution that oversees the law. In the US it is called the high judges.

How to pick these judges is then the discussion. In the US they are picked by the president. So that is a way to do. A president could be elected, and he would then choose the high judges.

Then you have the mechanism in place to ensure the fidelity of the state.

Maybe you can put in checks and balances to ensure that the judges are morally pure.

In this way you have the intention and system of sharia incorporated in a democratic state. And you still have the freedom of the parliament. Not to mention, that the Americans will approve this arrangement, because it is close to their own constitution.

A state is not about power, it is about making a system that will weather the burden of time.

G-d bless the will of the Syrian people, may they be both free and honest in their ways.

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