Peace in the new year

This is my message to the PET, in dying hours of the last year, where political correctness has made any sense.

Let’s make a deal, and finally find peace. I know that you feel, that you are defending a reality and worldview that is fading away, and that I am the harbinger of the new.

Yet, is my world such a thing you will not like? A world of prosperity, peace and abundance?

Is this a world you seem not to fit in. Would you rather not be the strong and wise defenders of something beautiful and meaningful than a worldview that is no more.

Where will you be, when the whole world is with me, and you are the last little smothered bit of a worldview of the past.

Why not jump aboard and help me make a better world.

So therefor, make peace next year. Protect the Jews, don’t harass us. Make a world where Jews are ALSO a part of it. Free and secure.

Don’t loose yourself in this world where the siren song of corruption and dishonesty is prevalent. Be who YOU are, men of integrity and morale. People who have a purpose and a zeal, to make a better world.

So next year should be a year of peace and making deals. Not just endless war.

G-d bless the peace we can find, if we will.

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