Jews News

All right, so this my new project I am working on. It’s a TV station, online, that is going to be the defender of Israel, in the media.

It has just begun. So, as such things go, it will take some time to be realized. I have some positive feedback. A have really good friend, who is an amazing journalist, and actually just wrote a book about mr. Netanyahu. So, he will be on board.

I am trying to use my experience with TV and blogging, and then put a project together that will defend Israel is a beautiful, honest and wise way.

There will be a phase where I am going to seek investment off cause, so there is that. Right now though, I am in the early phase of the project and trying to come up with some good ideas to make it happen, create network around the project and thus boost the possibility for it to be realized.

If there are any of my friends who interested in getting to know things, in this early stage, please contact me. I have not made pitch material yet, it is still on idea basis. But as the project progresses, these parts of the project will be enhanced and so on.

Israel REALLY needs a media defense, and I will try to organize it.

G-d bless the will to make Israel life for at thousand years.

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