Scandinavian front

Well, there is bad news on the Scandinavian front.

Mette Frederiksen has gathered an alliance of sorts, and has openly attacked me. Sent an exuberance of bills, designed at destroying my life. Open attack.

She feels confident, that the Americans are too weak to negotiate for Greenland, and is attacking me as a result.

Ok, bad news bears.

What do we do?

First of all, I think it is about isolating Denmark strategically. Right now, there is a sort of alliance, but it seems very pro forma.

I would reach out to the different parties in the alliance, and see if they are willing to leave the alliance with some kind of compensation.

After having isolated Denmark, I would slowly but forcefully, show presence in the arctic, militarily.

Those allies who are still present, would then show if they really mean it.

The German chancellor is leaving soon anyway, Mr Macron can’t afford a war, neither can the rest of the “alliance”. So it is really fools gold Frederiksen has conjured.

At the same time, take a talk with Putin, he is open to share the dominion over Greenland. It could, potentially, be a friendly opener, leading to make peace in Ukraine.

It’s a shame, that Frederiksen is so inexperienced with diplomacy and warfare, she doesn’t stand a chance in hell.

But I guess she has to learn it the hard way.

G-d bless the will to make peace and find a solution to this unbridled aggression of Frederiksen.

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