To give

All right, so I have discussed the principles of Israel being the “light upon the Nations” before. Essentially it is an act of helping. We are supposed to support the nations of the world with our expertise and knowledge. That is the essential principle.

Yet HOW? How do we really do it, help and support. It is about giving. Or rather, the ART of giving. Giving is very difficult. To give, you have to have serious and friendly relationship to those you give to. You can give to someone on the street who is in great need of food. But on a national level, it’s a whole other level of trust and sacrifice you have to do.

Then the obvious question is, if we just give, will we ever RECEIVE, and if we receive something, what is it truly that we receive. What is quite apparent in my situation right now, is the fact that people often give what you need. I have helped a lot of people all around the world for many years. Now I am really in trouble because of this horrendous PM we have. People help me so much. Why, because I have GIVEN of my own heart for many years.

Yet it also gives a lot of respect. Right now, Israel is in deep trouble with Israels image. We have been fighting and surviving for two years almost. Almost dying as a nation. Yet now we need to turn the tide of understanding of Israel. Here GIVING is a way to rekindle the respect for Israel around the world. We are Jews, sometimes we have defend ourselves, I have to defend myself for the time being. I hate it, I would rather just make peace. But I am a Jew, we get attacked all the time, then we have to defend ourselves. As the Maccabees, as David. So many Jews have defended Judaism and Jewishness. But after the fighting, we need to turn the tide of peoples appreciation of us.

That is to help, support and give our resources back into the world. That is the long time strategy, and the old wise prophets they knew this, and gave us this wonderful task.

So lets do it, figure out, where we may be at service and help in the world, from the depth of our wise and good hearts.

G-d bless Israel, may we prevail.

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