
Lately, there has a lot of talk about the illuminati, the lightbringers. People think, that this famous yet secret group og high players are evil, this and that.

But the thing is, that the illuminati are the very core of western civilisation. Let me explain, and this goes for the free masons as well.

The royal groups, because essentially that is what the illuminati and free masons are, is a group of nobels, that has gone under ground, because of the persecution that was after them in the french revolutions.

In many ways, this group of high players are actually the losers of some of the movements of our society 300 hundred years ago. They have tried to survive going under ground.

This leaves us the question, what are they really trying to do?

First of all, we need to see them for what they are. They are worshipping Egyptian deities, especially the G-d Ra, that is the sun g-d. You can see it on all the iconography that is all over, where these guys are. On the dollar bill, for one, they put a pyramid and an eye, the eye of the sung-d Ra.

What is supposed to mean?

Well, I guess they don’t really know it themselves, and that is really the strange thing with the illuminati. They don’t really know what the ideas of the sung-d Ra is teaching, because they basically have been reading what we call ‘hermetic’ texts. Or rather some texts that comes from the Hellenic period of ancient Egypt. Good as these texts are, they are not really covering what the priest at the temple were teaching.

Let’s have a look at this.

The light is truth.

That is the whole idea about enlightenment, that seems to have gone a bit over the heads of the illuminati. They are supposed to spread the truth, lies being the anathema to lies.

Enlightenment is spreading truth.

But, and this i very important. Truth is also the very basis of law, according to the ancient Egyptian philosophy. Another point that is not in the hermetic texts.

So as academia is essentially also a light cult, one could look to Plato, to understand what was going on. Plato studied for ten years in classical Egypt, so he is actually a much more precise conveyor of the ideas of Kemet, the classical Egyptian university, or Aristotle for that matter, who was also a student of Kemet.

But, and this is extremely important, if you want to be a lightbringer, you should remember, that the light is the truth.

Remember that, and you are one step closer to true enlightenment. It’s tough, because truth seekers are usually not that popular. But it is the very idea of enlightenment.

G-d bless the will to seek light, and may it shine upon us.

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