Peace in the Middle East

Ok, things are kind shaping up in relation to the peace initiative in the Middle East.

As for preparation, the EU is in. I am, right now, working on a grant, that will allow me to come to the Middle East, and try and make amends by sharing ideas and foster dialogue.

It will be happening in a month and a half.

This means, that I have some support within the progressive camp, and they agree with me as to work on peace project with the means of humanistic dialogue.

Add to this, there has been a lot of attention going on from the aristocratic side as well. I have been friends with the British royal house for many years, and mutual support is off cause what friendship is all about.

Add to this the Jewish aristocrats, that seem to show an avid interest in the process. Please, you are more than welcome. It is, in a more deeper and profound sense, your project that seems to bear fruit.

So, however you wish to attend of be a part of the peace process, you are welcome.

There is off cause a relation to the Arab kingdoms, that seem to be comfortable with a progressive royalty, so they are in as well. I have had some connection to Abu Dhabi, but also Dubai seems to be interested, as far as I can tell.

The Iranian side seems to be a bit holding back, awaiting the situation and how everything falls into place. So, we will see. But off cause, we need the leaders of Iran to be a part of the peace project. They should be able to see themselves in the ideas of project, and generally feel, that they are a very respected partner.

At the global level, there is Russia and the US, that seems to be in agreement with me, that peace is preferable to a ramping up of forces and war.

Lastly off cause and this actually the most crucial part. The peoples of Israel and Palestine as well as the West Bank. Must be able to see themselves in a peace process. So it really hinges on the peoples that are in war. We can do so much as international community, but those who are fighting are those who are going to make peace.

So, the reconciliation is between in a sense brothers who are angry with each other.

This can be either worse or better. We hope this initiative will make it better.

G-d bless the will to unite the Middle East under a banner of grace and understanding. G-d bless the peace process, may it be realized, so that the suffering of people will stop.

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