The process

Ok, this is how international politics work, or how any natural process works really.

To cite Empedocles the Greek philosopher, natural development is like a sphere. In the middle of the sphere you have strife in the outskirts or the surface of the sphere you have love.

That is how you can see nature. Nature then flexes between love and strife.

This is the idea that, most probably inspired Göehte, and was then picked up by Darwin to describe the evolution of nature.

Today it is a bit garbled compared to Göethe and Empedocles, all we have left is “survival of the fittest”, which is only looking at the strife part of the equation.

You have the same balance in the Kabbalistic tree of life.

Anyway, Empedocles proceeds, and tells us, that there is a kind of pulsing between the surface of the sphere (love) and the center of the sphere (strife).

In other words, we go from love to strife to love in ALL NATURAL processes. From the life of a deer, to the life of a seaplant. This is a universal model to encompass all life.

So, he has this nugget of wisdom, that we can use in the conflict in the Middle East.

He says, that when the process shifts from strife to love, the turning point is what will define the development of the new love process.

In other words, when you work with peace building, which is the natural process after strife, you have to be on point as when the development shifts from strife to love.

That is why you can’t just leave the peace negotiations by itself, you have to attend and push, because right now, the direction of the peace deal is what is formulated. See?

It is not about power of right to decides for ourselves, it is about playing the game to our advantage.

If we keep out of the negotiations, we will step into a negotiation, that is already defined, and probably not to our immediate advantage.

We have, kind of, progressed over the point of the start of the love process (in the words of Empedocles).

We need to keep up, and formulate our own premises. Now, not when we have won the physical war.

It is not about winning the debate. It is about planting ideas for the aftermath of the conflict.

To me, it is quite obvious what we need. We need at situation where we are safe from the bombs. Also we need the last hostages freed.

How this is formulated, is actually up to the discussion not only with us, but also our neighbors. If we do not get our neighbors into an agreement, how our we to ensure the deal?

We are a part of the Middle East. We should play that part to our best ability. We have an opportunity to get the entire Arab world on our side, if we play our cards right. That is an opportunity we will never have again, if we blow it.

G-d bless the will to play the part of the game, that will give us security.

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