A healer

Concerning the debate on the next archbishop of the Anglican Church. Here are some reflections, that may be at service for the church.

First of all, generally speaking, everybody has been quite happy with his eminence rev. Justin Welby.

He has been a breath of fresh air. Why? He has faith.

Not everybody agrees with all of his eminence ideas, there seems to be a rift between the mainly African part of the church and the British.

However the Africans were really satisfied with his eminence FAITH. Having a man of a strong faith, which has actually served him with renouncing his elevated station, has strengthened the church as such.

A man of a strong conviction is much better than a man with a weak conviction.

So that is something to use as a guide mark. His eminence is a very good man. Everybody recognizes this.

Then there is a more political point one needs to think about. The rift between the different factions were actually healed SOME by the eminence. Why? Because he is respected for his sincere goodness and everyone recognizes his positive intention.

He was a bridge builder, and he was fairly fine doing it.

The rift between the different factions of the church is however an ongoing issue, so a bishop that has this at heart is very important.

So a man of faith, with the ability to reconcile and build bridges.

G-d bless the will to find a good man to be the bishop of the Anglican Church. May he heal and reconcile.

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