Well, thank you very much Joe, for the application of ms. Frederiksen as NATO secretary. It is a very good call.
First of all, seen from my own perspective, having a close relation in NATO will make it much more easy to communicate on different defense issues. Secondly putting ms. Frederiksen as the head of NATO will give the Turks a feeling, that the more diplomatic treatment of the difficult issue of Islam is under control.
It is not going to be perfect, but the continuous provocations and conflict will be less, and we will work with diplomacy, if a conflict arises.
This gives NATO the necessary organisational stability to counter the threat of the Ukraine conflict.
For me personally it will mean, that the local secret service FINALLY realises, that I am not a part of the problem, but the solution to the conflicts we have here. Good for me, it will mean, that I can finally be a peace with the secret service, and good for the secret service, that can finally be a part of the international community, that has shunned them as a result of the persecution of me.
A win all around.
But we need to keep an eye on the other front as well, the Chinese front. It is, by comparison, more or less under control.
We may end up in a full scale war, but there are good signs as well. We are ahead in the industrial game, and we can win that confrontation, if we play our cards well. We have the power to do it.
It is a balance between tools of power and industrial output. Right now we have the best tools of power, and China is hedging its bets on industrial power.
So we fight in a tandem here.
Knowing the game, gives us an advantage.
As when Rome was challenged by the Phoenicians in the Punic wars, grit, unity and being honest about these issues are the way to go.
The Phoenicians didn’t want to face the challenge, not until the Romans were at their very gate. Then the troops were fat, untrained and not good. Only Hannibal and his few veterans were up to the task. The rest were just cut down by the centurions of Scipio Africanus, the great Roman hero of that time.
So seeing things with an honest and keen eye is very important, if we are to learn from the lessons of the Punic wars.
So, we are surviving and getting on with our things, and ms. Frederiksen will be a good choice for NATO secretary.
G-d bless the will to be honest in how you see the world, and be prepared for the worst. Because as the Romans concluded after the Punic wars. Si vis pace, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. Always be prepared.