
Trying to understand the world today is difficult, if we have no way to learn from past experience.

This is an area, where I have worked quite a bit.

One of the things that has been a really difficult subject, has been the subject of information.

It is a bit ironic, that some of those who are supposed to be enlighteners and truth seekers are the ones who, today, are not shedding light on the corruption of society.

Let me try and explain.

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus was a student of Egypt. He was a nobleman and according to the philosopher Teichmuller (who’s supposed to be an inspiration to Nietzsche), Heraclitus was a student of Egyptian lore.

So, his ideas are really Egyptians, at least inspired by Egypt, a lot of the ancient philosophers studied in Egypt; Plato, Aristotle, Socrates.

Anyway, what does Heraclitus say about enlightenment?

He says, that a society sometimes needs a clean up to work. He calls it a “Catharsis”.

A purification.

I have pondered this a lot. It is a very radical thing to do. Cleanse the society of corruption. But given the fact, that Egypt lived for five thousand years, they must of gotten something right.

My theory is, that Heraclitus was tought some of the wisdom of how the Egyptians managed to live for such a long time.

Sometimes, society needs a cleansing, that is actually the deeper meaning of the eye of Ra, that is so openly shown on many media.

But this eye of Ra, is it really doing what it is supposed to do? Looking out for corruption?

My point is, what we are going through is a catharsis. Through social media, a lot of the corruption of society is revealed, and this proces, though it is very painful, is actually very healthy for society in general.

Egypt managed to survive for five thousand years, and still is here, today, a shadow of itself, but non the less, it is still here.

One of the methods it used to keep healthy, was to undergo phases of cleansing, fases of purification in terms of idea and ethics.

I don’t know, if that was in the process of dynastic changes. Sometimes new families became pharaohs.

But the method of ethical purification is what we are going through, and that will be good for us.

G-d bless the will of the light, to shine upon the world, so that it will be a good world.

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