Ok, things are turning around.
The fact that the fighting in Gaza is getting less, is really the best indication that things are turning.
It is probably because Hamas as fighting force is not functional anymore. There are still some fighters holding on to the hostages, yet Hamas does not occupy any territory anymore.
So, the war is moving towards Hezbollah. That war will not be as intense as the Gaza war, because the territory is different. It is much more a normal conventional war, and here the IDF has a huge advantage.
So when that is finally laid to rest, we have peace. Not the peace we thought we would have, yet some kind of peace.
In other words, the bargaining position of Hamas is getting worse as each day goes by.
If we end up in a situation, where there is no fighting anymore, then Israel will be able to define the situation in Gaza as is want.
This again leads to a motivation for Hamas to do a deal, when they are still in the game.
In a few weeks or months, their game is much less valuable.
So, better strike a deal, when it is still valuable.
G-d bless the will to find peace.