Change in Europe

One of the things, that really stunned me lately, has been the support I got from the EU.

When I was a my deepest despair, it was actually the EU, that saved me.

This has given me a lot of thought. And I have, kind of, concluded it like this; The EU is realistic about its future. There is a huge rise in nationalism in the EU, and that is an opposition to the EU.

But, there has been kind of a lull in the criticism of the EU lately, mainly due to the really good administration by von der Leyen.

What does that indicate to us?

It indicates, that the EU is trying to move towards the positions of the right wing, as it has done in Italy, to try and keep the realm together.

That is not such a bad idea, right there.

That is really the basis of the support I have, because I have done it in Denmark. In Denmark, the right wing and the left wing have come to terms with each other.

So this success is what has inspired the EU to support me. Not because I write good, but because the EU is in need of developing to a state, where the right wing and the left wing is in harmony and creates as basis upon the union to prosper.

We can do that, but it is going to be difficult.

However, if it works, the things we are going to get from that are pretty astounding. We will become a superpower in our own rights, with all that we get from that.

We still are very closely tied to the Americans, and we share most values, so a good cooperation there is important. But making the EU work, is good for everybody.

How we are going to make that happen, is what the next year is all about. We have to Change.

G-d bless the will to Change in the European Union.

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