
Ok so this is China, as I see it. First of all, it’s a giant on a very brittle basis. The loan market, especially housing is really just in tatters. It risks the complete destruction, like Japan some years ago, and then worse.

There are strengths in China. They have some pretty good geeks. So their cyberdepartment is worth being scared of. They hacked some American warships some years ago, and made them sail into each other. Also industrial secrets, they have it all. From bleeding edge to shipping, to car making and so on.

They have a very good work ethics, that is the traditional confusian world view (Confucius is the traditional philosopher of China). They are good at education. They actually invented the system og making scores of people, and giving them points. This academic way was and still is, all in the Chinese system. This is how they make sure, that meritocracy is the way to rule the country. Their leaders have been very well educated and are wise, really wise. In the contrast to some of the leaders of the West, who are not that wise. No names mentioned.

Now, Democracy ALSO has its strengths. Especially the strength to shift its priorities and counter threats. This is what your presidency is all about; countering the threats we face by implementing some new policies.

So there is the economical war, that may end up in a physical war. We shouldn’t be too worried about the physical war. Chinese military sucks, and they are not mentally prepared for war. We are warriors, and we can fight. So if it gets to that, we will win.

As it is now, when war turns all mechanical and AI, then we will have a problem, because in this area the Chinese are better than us. So in a way it is a race against the clock.

Taiwan is the issue, it is here the wars will be initiated, if they are.

One of the major weaknesses of the Chinese is the fact, that they have amassed all of their production environments in the same place, and few bombardments with the largest bombers, and China will not produce anything for a long time.

So they are pretty weak.

This is China, and we are connected economically because we have borrowed a lot of money from them, this is also an issue we have to figure out a way to work out.

G-d bless the future if the West, may we prevail.

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