I have tried to think about this concept of “chosen”. Israel is the Chosen nation, the Jews are the Chosen people, and I am the Chosen king. Actually I have come to think that Leonor is the Chosen queen.
Let me try and explain, and just for the record, this is not a advertisement for myself, in fact, I have run, as fast as I have been able to, in the other direction of being king of Israel, so I am NOT in it for the prestige or fame. For me it’s a sacrifice and a service.
Anyway, let me try and explain what is going on. If we compare to David and Saul, what springs to mind? Well, Saul was this very popular king, the right pedigree, kingly in demeanor. David was just a normal guy, who had one thing going for him; his talent. David is, by far, the most talented king ever on the throne of Israel. He was a rockstar, a general, intelligent, had tenacity.
Under David, Israel thrived.
The same goes for Jews in general. Are we looking good in the eyes of the world? No, we are, most often, vilified and despised. But we are the rockstars of the world, often litterally. I mean: KISS, Leonard Cohen, Disturbed, Mark Knophler, Mark Zuckerberg, Niels Bohr. The list goes on, the rockstars of the world.
So what does the creator look for? Rockstar quality, talent, charisma. The difference, between Saul and David was in sheer talent. G-d chooses talent over pedigree.
Now who is currently the most talented intellectual, general, artist, aristocratic Jew for the time being, well me.
So g-d chooses the best suited for the job.
And just as it is totally annoying for the world, that we have all these Jews being rockstars everywhere. It is, as with David, totally annoying, that g-d chose me to be the king. I know.
The thing is, g-d is much wiser than we are. He wants what is best for us. He wants a better world, and he has his champions.
So being chosen as a people or a person is to be a TOOL of g-d. he picks you up, protects you, and uses you to his own ends.
He wants mankind to be at peace, be happy and content. That is his agenda.
So there is that.
G-d bless the will to make a better world. May we have peace.