
October 19th, 2024

When you fight someone, there is a great risk, that either you or the one you fight gets hurt.

In a situation like that, the most humanely normal is to paint your enemy like a monster.

The truth is, rarely this is the truth. Don’t get me wrong, there are actually evil men and organizations. People who have no problem torturing small children and then call it a day.

But MOST people are just like everybody else; trying to get by in a world that is confusing and chaotic.

The issue is, that when we fight those implied monsters, we more often than not become like those monsters. Those who have fought nazists become nazists themselves. Those who fought Jews, become what they think is how Jews are.

Mr. Sinwar was a boogeyman for the Jews, destroying him is like killing a monster. Yet do we really KNOW that he is a monster?

He organized the 7 October, that led to the most horrific catastrophe after the Holocaust.

But was he a monster? And if we see monsters everywhere, then what are we?

My point is, that off cause we have to fight and defend ourselves. We have to keep Israel safe. Yet demonizing and vilifying our enemies degrade OURSELVES. If you live in a world of monsters, a chance is, that you eventually become one.

I could have pushed back much more on my own enemies. That being the secret service of Denmark and the foreign minister.

But the fact of the matter is, that each time I loose my temper and call for destruction, some part of the world ends up in flames and destruction. And then the suffering that makes is a part of what I bear on my conscience.

Keeping your soul intact is almost impossible, because of the heinous acts you are often forced to commit.

So, this is actually worth a thought as we get to the endgame of this conflict; did we get through it without loosing our faith in human beings. Despite the betrayal along the way, the manipulation, the forces that wanted us to shut up and so on. Did we really do what we could to be as conscientious as possible.

These ethical questing are all part of any war, yet we have to face them some time.

G-d bless the will to be honest about these wars and keep our peace.

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