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Every 200 – 300 hundred years western civilization goes from decay to rebirth – a civilization riddled with stupidity, arrogance and corruption – turns on its hinges, brushes its feathers and arises from the ashes. As the bird phoenix, “the west” shines once again, bringing reason, science and freedom to shores far away.

I believe the eternal developmental wheel of western civilization, is at such a point right now – we are all corrupted with ideas of no real value, our societies are crumbling under the burden of megalomanic welthfarestates or bureaucratic socialists rule. It is time to find our roots once again.

It is an act we have seen numerous times; Thomas Aquinas and the Catholic renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo in the Italian renaissance, Rembrandt and Descartes in the Dutch renaissance and lately Rousseau, Montesquieu and Napoleon in the French renaissance.

And it all comes back the rebirth of ancient Athens; Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. Politics, art, science and philosophy are reinvented – reason descends upon us once again.

And here I enter; the philosopher – somehow caught in these world-changing events. Where do I come from? I come from an ancient family of philosophers, my great great grandfather was a philosopher of some renown, and it has been a tradition in my family to defend western civilization – and especially democracy. The torch of philosophy, has been handed down through the generations from farther or mother to son or daughter. We have lived a live of obscurity for the last 30 – 40 years – socialism has been all the rage in Denmark, and there has been no use for us. But now things seem to have changed, all of a sudden people show interest in our ideas again.

What is the main focus of a modern philosopher?

There is one central battle that we have to win – that is that fight for freedom. Not only freedom in an abstract sense, within economy or the bureaucracy of the state – but in a unyealding support of freedom of speech, the essence of democracy and science. This is the first and most important barricade of a western state – as soon as we are overwhelmed by the glossocrats, the political correct or the Islamists – we are finished – democracy and science will not function anymore. Secondly, and combined with the fight for freedom of speech, we fight for our physical freedom, the right to remain free from slavery in our own countries. The Islamists have a long tradition of slavery in their culture. Even institutionalized, as in the organizations as the Janissaries. This is a very real danger, already in effect in many ghettos around Europe. It will continue its development if we do not stop it.

Thirdly we fight for Roman Law, an ancient western institution, inspired by the Athenians but with roots going as deep as to the pharaohs of Egypt; the faith in justice, given to us by judges, persons with rationality as their prime tool. The rule of Law has so far freed us from the rule of the strongest, the rule of the mob. This institution is threatened by the Islamic Law institution of Sharia. If we do not defend Roman Law, it will cease to work wherever Islamist are ruling. It is already out of effect in numerous ghettos around the world, in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Holland, England, France, Germany, Belgium and so on. Roman Law has been swapped for Sharia , a law system based on the Koran. This will not do.

So what brought me here?

Well, actually it has been quite a travel, through many a landscape, with choices hard to make.

It all started with the Mohammad Cartoon Crisis – as many other persons around the world, a drama of surrealistic proportion and implications, unfolded right in front of my eyes. It seemed weird, and the daily life of most danes just kept on as it used to. I tried to defend my country the best I could, but at that time I was even more unknown than I am now. So it all came down to a few articles on central Danish blogs. It made me think however, and I started checking things out on the internet – implications started to dawn upon me, and I realized that this danger of Islamism was for real. Many other things dawned upon me as well, the socialist control of MSM, academia and government. You know the drill.

I felt an obligation to do something, I am a philosopher – and freedom of speech was at stake, but I could´nt really decide what to do. I the summer of 2006 I went on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella – the Camino. For three weeks I walked through dense forests, over plains – I climbed mountains and saw eagles souring over the beautiful plains of Galicia . When you are on a pilgrimage, you are alone with your own thoughts. And my thoughts kept coming back to the issue of Mohammad and his depiction in the Jyllands Posten. I had brought a book of Aristotle with me, the “Politics”, I read through it, and discussed with myself.  And at a certain point, I do not really remember where, I decided to join the Anti Jihad, when I returned home. Dangerous work, but my duty as a Danish philosopher.


+45 2712 5191 (whats app works)

Asger Trier Engberg

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