
Well, now the world focus has focused on Denmark as the villain of the world.

Why has it become the focus of such disdain.

Well there are essentially two reasons. The first is, that Denmark was the instigator behind the 7’october. This is actually a part of a deeper development within Europe, where the police has become increasingly antisemitic making alliances with some of the most extreme islamists. We have seen this in Denmark as the leader of this development.

Secondly Denmark has another record. It has, compared to economy, been the most proliferated contributor to the Ukraine war.

So in other words, under the late PM Denmark has become EXTREMELY aggressive in world affairs.

Both angering Russia as well as Israel.

This is a VERY toxic brew. Not to mention, that the US is on the Jewish side, especially under Trump. So an instigation that Denmark has done, making the first spark to the 7’th October will not sit well with the US as well.

In effect, Denmark has done exactly the mistake that it has done numerous times; making alliances with forces at the forces downturn. That was how Denmark lost Norway as well by allying with Napoleon just before his Waterloo.

We have a horrible tradition making alliances with the wrong parts at the wrong times. This time it will cost us Greenland, unless Denmark initiates some kind of peace treaty very soon.

It does not seem to dawn upon the system the amount of trouble it is in.

We are litterally standing in a position to loose Greenland, we have angered both Israel AND Russia, and the band just keep playing on the sinking Titanic. Keep the stiff upper lip, move along, nothing is here to see. Let’s just ignore, that we have angered THE ENTIRE WORLD.

The capacity of stupidity and moronism is truly astounding.

G-d bless the will to make a peace deal, before it is too late. May Denmark survive, because it is teetering on the very precipice of destruction, and it is still going down the same lane. The idiocy is truly astounding.

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