August 22nd, 2024

Ok, so these are my reflections on the issues of the DNC. I still need to see some of the speeches, so I will go more en depth with the speeches later.

Yet, these are my initial reflections.

First of all, the whole unity, paradise theme really seems to work with the voters. They want that. That is just amazing.

I had tears in my eyes, when Michelle and Barack talked about it. That is hope having a comeback. Well put Michelle.

So looking at the deeper mechanics of this. I think it is very important that we are able to talk about the how’s and why’s.

This ties back to the whole discussion on renewing the institutions. The point of the first pilgrims and their mission, was to make the perfect society. That was the dream, that the United States of America is essentially build upon.

To understand what that means, you have to understand where the first pilgrims got their inspiration and what their ideas were.

They got it from reading the Bible, and that is really where we need to understand what they meant.

The Bible, the Torah and the Koran are essentially a story about making a perfect society. Eden is, in the Middle East, the first city.

So, the Bible tells us about the making of that perfect society. You have to read around and into the understanding the time that the Bible was written, to truly understand what they meant in the Bible.

That is why I have written my book Eden, to make it accessible for a modern reader.

In essence, what they meant was, that the perfect society has the perfect system of law, the perfect system of education, the perfect business environment including banks, the perfect religion and the perfect family.

All these state institutions tie together to make a society where people are happy.

That is really the whole point of the Bible, seen from at political perspective.

So, the actual work, if you want to bring joy to a society is to make the institutions better. Improve them.

Each institution needs an overhaul, to be better.

That is really the interesting part. Because how do we make better schools, better law, better business, better families, religious structure and so on.

The answer is; that we Change it, into less corrupted, more just, more enlightening, more well working.

That requires idealism, for each state institution.

That is how you make joy.

G-d bless the will to make joy in the United States of America.

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