Don’t do anymore war

October 2nd, 2024

Let’s do the math.

On one hand, Mr. Netanyahu and the current leadership of Israel, has been itching for a direct confrontation with Iran for many years.

At the other hand, Iran has been trying to avoid the confrontation, by alliances with the western powers.

There is a lot of discussion between the US and Iran, and has been for a long time.

So it has been a proxy war between Israel and Iran.

It may end up in a direct confrontation between Israel and Iran now, because Iran has attacked Israel directly, twice.

But, it will require support from the US and the Arab countries to work.

For Israel to attack Iran, it would have to either fly over Jordan, Saudi Arabia or some other Arab country.

In other words, Israel would have to have permission to make aerial attacks.

Maybe Israel can fly over the water all the way to Iran, but that is extremely difficult, and would mean, that IAF would fly along the Houthis for a long time. It may work once or twice, but it is almost unsustainable in the long run.

So it comes down to the will of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Türkiye. Do these mainly Sunni Muslim countries allow a long war with warplanes flying over the territory?

No, they won’t.

Will the US do the work, and bomb Iran from their air craft carriers? No.

So Israel’s do not have the possibility to do an all out war alone.

Since Israel requires support to do the war, and that is unlikely. Then the war will probably not happen.

In a months time, there will be a new president in the US. Both Harris and Trump will not support an attack either.

So this leaves the current war as it is; a limited incursion into Lebanon, to hinder the rockets flying over Israel.

Israel has something up its sleeve, so something will happen.

But it will be an attack by Mossad and not by the IAF, that is the prerequisite for a regime change.

Why not just accept, that the borders will be as they are right now, and then make peace?

G-d bless the will to think about the outcome of the war, and head for a positive one.

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