Drivers of the world

President John F. Kennedy delivers an address at Rice University stadium in Houston during his tour of NASA installations throughout the country, Sept. 12, 1962. The President promised that outer space will not be filled with weapons of mass destruction. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson is sitting to the right of the President, wearing sunglasses. (AP Photo)

When it comes to changing the world, there are essentially two drivers; fear and inspiration.

Each has its pros and cons, and you can’t rely on one only. There are things that you should fear, and that is ok, as long as it makes sense, and is truly reasonable.

But the best politicians don’t lead by fear, they lead with inspiration.

Like JFK.

His ideas about space frontiers, the civil rights movements. These things may have been a bit chaotic in his times, but he never went out there to say anything bad about anyone, he inspired people to do better.

In the Obama time, I hope we had a bit of the same vibe. We tried to inspire too. Make people feel hope.

There are things to fear. We started the fight against islamism and islamic state. But that was essentially reasonable and it had to be done.

Maybe this is the true legacy John F. Kennedy really gave to us. The ability to inspire, not only the Americans, but the whole world.

G-d bless the will to find new ways to make people dream.

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