
I have been pondering what went wrong in the election. One of the REALLY great mistakes, seen from my perspective, was that Princeton didn’t publish the book Eden that I send to them.

I have been working on that book for four years with Barack, it was the tool that was supposed to help us win. All the new ideas.

Support of the American dream, a lot of hands on ideas that could have been used right away.

Ok, I should have been more supportive based on the book, here on the blog, but we just had too little time to make new policies. Those we made were not good enough, so we lost.

If the book had been published in around may, as I had intended, it would have been injected into the presidential race, would have caused debate and Kamala would have been able to take the things she liked from the book, and made a much better run for the presidency.

I have no idea why Princeton didn’t want to publish the book, it is a very good book. But we should learn from it, and the publish the book now, so it can be a part of the debate heading for the next election.

I am working on a book on green change and just received a positive though not definitive answer on that book.

Policy has to be prepared by debating the ideas for some time, for it to really work.

Being a blogger is all fine and good, but we owe to the party, that it is more of a wide debate and not just for the select few.

Anyway. There is four year to the next election, so we will have time to talk things through, find a new candidate and so on.

And publish the book.

G-d bless the will to make a better America.

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