
September 21st, 2024

Okay, let’s see if we can define the strategy of the Harris campaign when it comes to fighting for equality between black and white.

Equality has one aim; to make harmony. According to Plato, the aim of an equal society, being economic equality, gender equality or race equality is very positive. It is to make harmony.

When people are too unequal, the society becomes rife with all kinds of problems. People feel it is unfair.

So they rebel and the system has to take control. Making it a tyranny.

So, that is why equality is so important.

So, when we are equal, there will be a good society.

The aim; to make a united society goes hand in hand with equality.

THAT is why civil rights and loyalty to the democratic constitution is so successful, because when we are equal, then we have something that we also SHARE across the divides. The faith in our democratic country.

Civil rights are those tenants of a country that we share, black and white.

G-d bless the will to be united and make it across that divide. May we be harmonious again as a society.

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