
One of the things I always tell myself, but to honest is not the best at, is having a family.

I guess that I am really good at some of the aspects, I am loyal, keep my wows, but I am also just an appalling geek.

My head is always into some kind of theory or problem that I have to solve.

So my attention is often divided between 25 different things.

I am working on it, and princess just so you know, you are always on my mind. 🙂

Happy anniversary William, 13 years of marriage, that is something. Seriously and with such a sound marriage you guys have, I am all envious. To be able to make that, that would really be something.

So, this is just a message to Infanta Sofia. My family is ancient royalty as well. My mother comes from the house of David, and my father comes from the house of Mohammad.

But my immediate reality has not been that of royalty as in royalty, but rather my family is seen as an artist royalty. My great grandfather founded the Højskole Vallekilde that is the heir to Oxford here in Denmark, and we have had a number of leading philosophers and artists in the family.

So the bar I set high.

When you come into the world, with these high expectations, chances are, that you end up a failure.

A lot of my family have been successful, but have then gotten into problems because you are as an artist as popular as your last album. It is a harsh life.

I have these two young daughters and they have their life in front of them. What I tell them is the same advice I would like to offer you.

Careers come and go, but family stays.

When you are good looking have a lot of success, people flock to you, when you are not there, people abandon you. Except for those who are closest.

So my advice is, even though your family is fraught with all kinds of problems. Try your best, to support it.

Learn from it, set your own goals as what you want it to be in the future.

That is really how you build a successful life, by focusing on having you base in order.

My good friend Joe just had this poignant moment, telling about his own experience. He has had a lot of things in his life, so he knows about the value of family.

It is seldom perfect, but that is what you have, and just because it is not perfect you still have to work on it, to keep it at its best.

So, this is my experience, and Joes as well. Beautiful moment at the radio show Joe, that is a winner in the election as well. Showing what matters and being honest about it. It shows who you truly are, and you are one of the good guys in this world, hands down.

G-d bless the will to be honest and serve those whom you love.

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