Free Gaza

Ok, so there is the discussion on “what will happen after the war”. There is a range of problems, that we have to talk about. Talking about them already now is important. We are moving in some kind of positive direction with the peace discussion between the Hamas leadership and the Israeli part.

So the “what is next” is very important.

At the end of the day, the main discussion will be on power.

How much power will the administration that is left in Gaza, how will it be defined, who will control it and so on.

Since Egypt has been leading the last round of negotiations, obviously this is on the top of Egypts mind.

So Egypt needs to figure out if it wants some kind of practical control over Gaza or not.

If not, who will have that control?

What the Gazans really want, is to get rid of Israeli control. So they want to be free.

How will that come into existence. Is Hamas going to play a role in this or not?

These issues are the ones we need to adress.

It is all about the LIMITS.

Where do the limits of power start and end.

There is the practical power situation, and there is the POTENTIAL.

If there is a POTENTIAL in the deal for another 7´th October which is essentially Hamas having the means to go over the border to Israel and wreak havoc, then that is totally out of the question.

So that is really the most important, we have figure out a plan, that will actually make a free Gaza and at the same time a plan that does not make it possible for Hamas to rearm and start the cycle all over again.

G-d bless the will to think ahead and be realistic about the challenges for a potential plan of peace.

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