
Listen Elon, I have been thinking a lot about what we do with Google.

At one hand they are infected with all kinds of maladies.

They have lost the faith in an open world, and consequently gone down a dark path of pro AI.

They have left their belief in the good of man, and gone all machine.

This is a problem. And the fact that they slight me, shows their stubbornness on their evil ways.

We Jews are supposed to be the good guys, share and spread the light. Not bury the world in a machine apocalypse.

Yet, there is still hope, so we should keep a door open for them to repent, and start working for the good of mankind. Having morals and ethics again. Be the light upon the Nations that they have the potential to be.

If people understand what they are doing, it will fall hard on the rest of us Jews.

Working with that Nazi scum, is the lowest you can possibly fall. Were non of your grandparents victims of the Holocaust?

So you are working with the powers, who made the 7’th October. That is as low as you can possibly get.

Anyway. My proposal would be to initiate some pressure on the Google company.

We need to hear them out on their ideas of AI, and we need to get them to respect the veins of democracy.

But be careful, small steps. Always leave them a place at the bargaining table.

G-d bless the will to make a better world and support an open democratic world.

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