Green change

October 21st, 2024

All right, I have done my best to get on with my work with the European Union. There are, essentially two projects. One is the green energy project.

This can be developed, if I get funding for my small tv station. We still need to inspire and converse with both the scientist as well as the people of Denmark.

There are some VERY important borders to consider. We HAVE to be careful that the energy plants we make does not interfere with the beauty of nature.

There are places we can make energy that does not scar the nature.

Both climate projects are important; to care for our nature, and ALSO care for our nature by making fossils free fuels.

Both projects are about making a nature that is more healthy and sustainable.

And we have to get on with the migration discussion. It seems to me, that we have come some way. Yet, we still have to find a finished deal, that both right as well as left can live with.

G-d bless the will to make a better world. Where nature is in balance, and we do thing to be honest and fair to all involved. May we find a better world.

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