How to find true love

I think, that Plato has another point in the idea, that truth, good and beauty is one and the same.

How do we BECOME someone who another one would fall in love with helplessly. You do it by becoming a person, that is good, truthfull and beautiful.

Train, mend your ways to be good and true.

True love is being true, that is, not lie, in a relationship.

These days, many people manipulate and deceive those they love. By lying, trying to push them to a certain place. There is a lot of talk about narcissists, love bombing and so on.

That is really the OPPOSITE of true love. And when you end up meeting such a person, the feelings disappear.

Yet when the love is true and honest without any pretense, then it blooms.

So truth, good and beauty is THE key to a real love relationship.

G-d bless our ability to make societies where true love is more and more people will experience it.

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