Human rights

When we talk about Human rights, I truly believe, that we need to understand what is going on.

Today, we have this FEELING that it is about seeing the individual, and protecting someone.

That is right, but there is so much more to it.

Human rights have two roots.

One is the Mesopotamian root, cities like Ur, Babylon and Eridu. If you read the Bible, a lot of these cities are mentioned. Abraham came from Ur.

The other root is classical Egypt, more precisely the temple of light also called Heliopolis by the Greek. It was called Un by the Egyptian.

In Babylon, the amazing war leader and king Hammurabi made the first laws in Babylon. The point was, that you curb the strength of the strong and help the weak. Thereby making a civil society, where the weak can be protected against the strong. In a society without law, the strong will rule over the weak, in a society that is described in books like “The lord of the flies” by William Golding.

Essentially law is the most important social institution in a society.

In the Egyptian version it is about light or truth. A famous story about the unlucky farmer, who went up against a rich man who tried to steal his land, the farmer cried, that it was the TRUTH that is supposed to rule the courtroom.

This is essentially symbolized in the torch of humanity, the Goddess of freedom, science. It is the same idea that is relayed through time immorial to this day.

So that sounds all fine and we LOVE to talk about it at parties and celebrate these ideas.

However, and that is really the issue. When you try to follow these ideas you always end with the corruption.

When that happens, things get nasty and difficult. Each journalist and sometimes scientists like Galileo get a lot of heat.

That is why it is extremely important that we have institutions, that are free of reins.

Someone who will truly wield these virtues in practise.

If that is the case of the current federal government, and to be honest, it actually seems to be the case, we have an opportunity to make a renaissance.

A rebirth of the ancient humanistic ideals.

Thereby saving Europe, again.

Rennaissances often do that in an ever turning process.

We need to REMEMBER what these ideals are all about, and put them to work. To protect those with no means, idealists and social workers.

It is difficult and ofter dangerous. But the very lifeblood of a civil society is the incorruptibility of the civil servants.

G-d bless the will to do good, thing good and speak good.

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